
The Despair of a Marquee

We continued to scour the forest for our next victim.

There wasn't even a need to collaborate in the previous fight, but our group seemed to naturally have synergy. I didn't realise how strong Robbie's vines were; they were definitely stronger than [Tengen-Ko-Rin]'s chains since they could permanently immobilise a Baron-ranked vampire. 

As we continued to travel through the woods, I heard the sound of footsteps in the distance.

My {Darkness Hatred} ability wasn't going off so it mustn't have been a vampire.

I led the group and explore the general direction of the sound.

All of a sudden, we were engaged by a group of elves.

"Ah, you guys should've said something!" one of the elves shouted.

In the chaos, I managed to see that it was Elanor's group.

Our two groups stared at each other for a little while.

"Are you guys hunting vampires as well?" I asked.

Elanor made her way to the front and began talking to me.
