

  Benny opened his mouth and showed his tongue as he looked up to taste the snow. They are currently in the park close to the castle. Vin-Vin couldn't stop laughing while gathering snowflakes with his new winter gloves and throwing them at Benny who laughed back. Johanna was sitting by the bench while watching them with a few more bodyguards. 

  She sighed and smiled while watching them.

"An hour is done." She said as the kids gathered around. They headed to the castle as the guards led the children from the orphanage that they were playing with. 

"Benny, catch up," Johanna called as Quinn approached Benny to reach his hand when a passing man quickly grabbed Benny. Quinn responded with a scream upon seeing her brother being taken away. The guards quickly guarded other kids while a few ran after the man. 

"Benny!" Quinn ran as she ran after the man.

  Johanna's instinct kicked in as she ran. But with her round belly, she struggled a little. 
