

Zhai Heng turned to look at his brother, he could not understand what Zhai Tianyu had done to make Liu Hui Ying or whoever it was to, make them hate him so much. This was why he blinked his eyes and questioned, "What did you do?"

Zhai Tianyu pursed his lips. He knew that he was not in the wrong, but Liu Yi Yan had mostly stayed in a dormant state inside Liu Hui Ying, thus she only knew bits and pieces about him. However, those bits and pieces were not helpful to him at all! 

"Will you believe me if I say that I did not do anything?" Zhai Tianyu whispered to Zhai Heng who looked at him suspiciously. He did not believe that Zhai Tianyu didn't do anything, this kind of strong rejection didn't come from doing just nothing. 

Of course, Zhai Tianyu saw that his brother did not believe him and was speechless. He really did not do anything but Liu Yi Yan only caught him at the moments when he was against Liu Hui Ying which caused her to despise him.
