
A not so pleasant investigation (2)

" I see," Liu Dong Ming nodded after hearing Liu Hui Ying's response. He then pursed his lips and asked, " So what do you want to talk about?" 

" I want to talk to those guards who escorted the trunk that was carrying the money. I have to learn about the situation that took place at them time," Liu Hui Ying replied to Liu Dong Ming. Till now she had only heard the —— ' He said, she said' version of the story. It was better to listen what the soldiers who were escorting Liu Yu Nan. 

In fact, she would have loved to interrogate Liu Yu Nan but she knew that it was impossible as Ji Yang would not let anyone make a mess of this plan that he had come up with. Thus, for the sake of avoiding doubts and suspicions, she had to keep her distance from Liu Yu Nan, who was the crux of the matter. 
