
I am a virgin, let me off in the name of God!

Zhai Tianyu did not know what was going on with the Queen which was why he did not say anything for quite some time but when the silence stretched far too long, he placed the cup of tea that he was holding in his hands on the table and then turned to look at Liu Hui Ying who still had her face away from him, she was staring at the patch on the ground that was not covered by the carpet that was laid on the grassy surface like it was more interesting than his face. 

" My Queen," Zhai Tianyu in the end had no choice but to call Liu Hui Ying who was sitting beside him. He did not want to ask Liu Hui Ying why she was angry but seeing that she was not even looking at him, Zhai Tianyu had no choice but to open his mouth and say, " Are you angry with me, my queen?" 
