
What other secrets were they hiding ——-2

Liu Hui Ying trembled in anger as she glared at the witch who has hogged her bed. She rolled her eyes many times before she threw her head back and then closed her eyes as she breathed in and out before she opened her eyes once again but as soon as she opened her eyes she heard Jia Li say, " Are you going to ask the Emperor to share his bed with you?" 

" Shut up!" 

On the other hand, Zhai Tianyu who returned to his own courtyard took off the clothes that he was wearing when he went after Liu Hui Ying. His head was still in the graveyard where he heard about things that he never thought could even be possible. He wanted to ask the Queen what the witch who followed them meant by that there was an evil spirit living in the Ji family but he could not bring himself to ask Liu Hui Ying anything when he saw the expression on her face. 
