
I was the happiest by your side

Zhai Heng would have definitely said that Zhai Tianyu was thinking too much if this happened before but now that he saw Ji Mo's actions even if he did not agree with him, he has to admit that there was something that they all have overlooked because of how much trust they had in the Ji family. 

Liu Hui Ying said that the maid whom Ji Meng loved was working in the Zhang family years ago meaning Ji Meng might have been eight or nine back then and yet the Ji family laid down such a well thought plan for the Liu family years ago…this patience …this dedication… it was something really fearsome. 

He looked at Zhai Tianyu and opened his mouth to say something but then he closed his mouth and did not say anything. If the Ji family was this sly years ago and hid so well that no one was able to doubt them for all these years then just how many plans did they have in their minds and how many were already implemented and executed to the end? 
