
To late to apologize?

" What!" Liu Hui Ying screamed after Zhai Tianyu who has run away from her room, she was not being hard on him but she just could not withstand the fact that he has looked at her like she was a disappointment. His gaze was one she was very familiar with and thus, she could not control the anger she felt in her chest that was burning at the moment. 

" Why are you looking at me like I am doing something wrong? Who are you to judge me, just because you are the Emperor, you think you can look at me like that huh?" She shouted at the door that was left behind by Zhai Tiayu, when Nanny Gong and Qui Ai heard Liu Hui Ying scream, the two of them rushed inside the room and looked at Liu Hui Ying who seemed to be very agitated. 

"Your majesty, please calm down!" Seeing that Liu Hui Ying's emotions were not stable Nanny Gong hurried to make her lie down on the bed as she pushed Liu Hui Ying who was still shouting at the Emperor who has long left the courtyard. 
