
Chapter 23 Deal with the French Princess

Berlin, German Empire

"So, we meet again Princess."

"Yes, Your highness."

Days after the anniversary of the German Emperor's coronation and the grand military parade, Princess Charlotte and Crown Prince Justinian are now inside in one of the parlors of the French Embassy in Berlin. The atmosphere is very relaxed and positive between the two and if any unrelated people catch sight of the two, it was like the two are long-time friends.

"You would leave Berlin tomorrow for Paris Princess?"

"Yes, I need to celebrate Christmas with my family. I'm also thinking to transfer school back to France because my engagement with Prince Wilhelm Frederick is annulled. How about you? Tomorrow also?"

"Yes, I had something to do in Bohemia before I will go to Austria."

"Ahhh… You also need to check your troops… me too but maybe after Christmas because they're all in North Africa."

Crown Prince Justinian can only nod to what the Princess had just said, He didn't expect that the troops he discreetly trained are known by the Princess. It means that the range of intelligence and espionage of the French is very wide compared to the Austrian.

"Don't worry about other countries knowing what you're doing with the military. They are not a concern because they didn't see it as a threat. But you're planning to use volunteers from the Asian countries is very cunning. You can just raise a large number of volunteer forces from the three countries' militaries in exchange for maybe benefits and salaries for every volunteer. You are planning to give them Austrian citizenship right? Hohoho so smart"

Crown Prince Justinian is shocked because the Princess had known the secret deal they were negotiating and deduced what the Crown Prince would use it for.

"How did you know?"

"Ehhh because that would I also do when I'm in your shoes. The Asian countries would benefit and gain recognition in the world and you gain a ready and experience army in a heartbeat."

Crown Prince Justinian feels that Princess Charlotte is just controlling the entire world in her palm. If she was not a woman, then she would certainly become the next French Emperor with her talents, intelligence, and wits. He had a lot to learn before he can stand toe to toe with the French Princess. If he would fight now with her, everything he had planned with fall to ruins.

"Instead of that, we should now proceed with our terms for our deal. First, this deal is not between states, but you and me personally. Here are my demands and offers."


· Princess Charlotte would receive the entire Ottoman Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.

· The Empire of France would receive the Ottoman Tripolitania

· The Austrian Empire would provide support to Princess Charlotte in developing Egypt and the Suez Canal.

· Princess Charlotte would receive the island of Crete.

· Princess Charlotte would receive the noble rank of duchess in the Austrian Empire.


· Princess Charlotte would send her personal army to fight under the Austrian command in the coming war against the Ottomans. She would supply them with her own weapons and supplies.

· Princess Charlotte would supply the Austrians with French weaponry, artilleries, modern military trucks, and combat planes.

· The Kingdom of Sicily would send a volunteer force to fight under the Austrian command.

Crown Prince Justinian is shocked by the contents of the agreement the Princess had given to him. The absurdity of her demands makes him think that she is crazy. She wants the entire Egypt and Crete to be her own personal possession. She is not even representing France in this deal but herself.

Anyone who received this agreement would reject it outright even if the one who made an offer is a French Princess. Even the French would not support what the Princess had drafted.

Crown Prince Justinian stares again at the face of the French Princess. He can see that the princess is serious about this. He can't understand why the French princess' demands are like this. While he is like an open book in the eyes of the princess, in his eyes, the princess is like an indecipherable puzzle. Her cold and indifferent eyes that stare at him seem like can pierce his soul.

"I know what you are thinking. You think maybe I'm becoming crazy. But you don't have to be concerned about what I'm planning to be doing, you just need to mind your own business."

Princess Charlotte said that while smiling sincerely. She was not that affected by Crown Prince Justinian's reaction, even for her it would be too shocking and absurd. She would do anything to achieve her plans even though it would be seemed absurd in the first place. For her, it is even good if they don't understand why she decided this and that so that they would not know what she is planning.

Justinian knows that Princess Charlotte is plotting something grand and the demands she has right now seem absurd but that would only affect her in the far future. Maybe in that time, he can understand what she is plotting and can be prepared for it if ever they would be on opposite sides. Right now, he needs the empire to survive first and build strength.

He can accept what is the princess demanding in the deal aside from one.

"I disagree with you having the entire Sinai Peninsula. I should at the least control the eastern side of the Suez Canal."

"I know that you would say that but there is no harm in trying… Okay… we can change that Austria, would have the Sinai Peninsula and the border would be the future Suez Canal. I'm very magnanimous right?"

"Yes… yes… princess… you are a very magnanimous and nice person."

Justinian immediately agrees with what Princess Charlotte said before he would change her mind. He can't let the Princess monopolize the future Suez Canal which could become a good source of revenue for the empire.

So, he was very thankful when the Princess agrees with his statement but he feels something off when she didn't object to it. The Princess only smiles toward him, not showing any other emotions and expressions other than smiling.

***** My temperature is still high and my throat is sore. I can only post maybe one chapter per day from the chapters I'll already finished. *****
