
chapter 30


* I'm aware you're not exactly fond of me, but what I'm about to say will surely change your opinion of me to a brighter one* Liam spoke.

  Safia manage to nod, liam continue * I know your secret* successfully, he got safia's attention *What secret prince liam?* smiling prince liam replied *the one you're trying to hide* inwardly safia curses, then reply in a sweet voice *get to the point prince liam* taking in a happy breath, prince liam state * speaking my name often, you seem to like it*

 Safia kept silent and look him dead in the eyes, wiping off his mischievous smile, liam spoke * you don't want to get married, I understand and I support you, its not easy to hand over your kingdoms safety to a prince you don't know and probably don't trust, I say its only fair, you should be the one to rule your own kingdom, but of course, your politics don't allow that*


 Safia let out with a tiny smile *thank you for your understanding prince Liam, anything else you'd like to add* liam took a few seconds before he adds *I know its not my place to say this but...what will you do now? Will you just give up and get married or do you have a plan? and my apologies my princess I am only saying this as a friend *

  Safia reply *you are right, it is not your place to say this and you are not my friend, if you'll excuse me I shall take my leave now* safia turns to leave but liam quickly call out, stopping her *no wait, I apologize..I have crossed the line, but do hear what I have to say, it is just a suggestion *

 For the sake of her duty as princess, safia noded, smiling again he spoke * what if...just what if, you chose to engage me, then later I will talk to the king, convince him to allow you to rule, I will even threaten to break the peace we recently came upon, and since I've already got quite the reputation here no one will blame you, what do you say?*

 Offering a tight smile safia reply *it is a good plan but it needs trust to work, and I do not trust you, not one bit, I appreciate your efforts to help me prince liam, but it is my business and I will handle it myself * 

 With that said, safia gave a short cutesy and took her leave as liam spoke after her with a slightly raised voice * yes of course my lady I'll give some time to think* walking away safia thought "give me time to think? My foot. No way I'm taking your help, its definitely a trick, I'll figure something out eventually, by myself"

The sun has already set and time for the ball is approaching fast, hastening her steps safia interrupted susan's now full on show * excuse me everyone, may I have a moment of your time please?* 

 They quieted down. Susan whispers *huh...when it get dark* * it has truly been a fantastic tour today, but sadly it has come to an end, for today that is, thank you people of black moon, have a good night* some bowed and some spoke words of thanks as safia and the royal guest climb into the open carriage prince habib tours in and rush back to the palace.

 They needed to hurry so as not to be late for the ball, that is why they took the carriage, and immediately they reached the palace safia sent back the carriage to fecht prince habib who's still at Lilly willy.




Thankfully they made it back in time. Now safia sat in front of the mirror in her pink dressing room, and brenda was adding finishing touches to safia's hair as her mind wonder

 * The first day of the ball is coming to an end, and my little plan has failed miserably before it even began, then prince liam came with his plan similar to mine, but featuring him and not the simple adorable prince Adi, but this is Prince Liam white I'm talking about, the well known cold hearted prince with an ice kingdom.

I can't even begin to count how many of our messengers he killed, all those letters of proposing peace my father sent, none of the boys that delivered them ever came back. And now suddenly he just appears asking for my hand and offering help. Whatever his goal is, I refuse to fall for any of his tricks. I'd rather observe all the princes and significant people, take a gamble and pick the one I can trust, then I'll..*

  Safia's thoughts were cut with a soft knock on the door, opening the door, susan stepped into the dressing room wearing a type of dress safia has never seen, from the top it's  the start of a normal round neck dress, then from the waist down its turns to fitted trousers, with a big flare circling the waist and covering the trousers, giving the illusion of a full dress, the long sleeves are made of thin net material, the dress/trousers is royal blue in color with a silver band around the waist. Foot clad in a pair of silver sandals, her long hair styled into a high ponytail, with dangling silver earrings. ( susans wearing dress jumpsuit )

 She casually greeted * hey girls* intrigued with susan's dress safia ask *What are you wearing? * susan answers * dresspants * still looking confused susan was about to offer more explanation when an excited voice from the side beats her to it

 *dresspants! They are called dresspants my lady and I..I invented them! * Brenda announced happily. Safia spoke *wow you made this, brenda its so beautiful, I've never seen it in black moon though?* brenda reply *when I made a lot of dresspants the king ordered me not to sell them here, he said that it would encourage the ladies of black moon to start thinking out of there place, he told me to sell them somewhere else instead that it will bring good business, so I thought, which kingdom has ladies that dare think out of their place, and it's none other than Talan *

Noticing susan Brenda quickly apologized * I am truly sorry princess Susana, I should not have interrupted your conversation * waving her hand susan reply with a smile * its okay don't worry about it, these dresspants are Amazing, most of talans ladies are fighters and unlike me, they like wearing dress, but most times the situation says otherwise, so now we just wear dresspants *

 Brenda beems at susan, safia added *Really brenda these are beautiful, father shouldn't have rejected them, and susan, you look absolutely stunning* brenda gave an extravagant bow and spoke * I thank you my lady * susan spoke * safia you look absolutely gorgeous too....but I feel like somethings missing* brenda looked at safia through the mirror and wondered * But what's missing?..*

 Safia is dressed in a long sleeve sparkling royal blue dress with a round neckline, the long fluffy dress reached all the way down to her feet but not too long, she can walk perfectly fine without the need to lift the dress, her long black hair is curled and gathered then drops on her right shoulder, with a few short curls hanging at the left side of her face, curving her cute little face beautifully, the princess tiara rest perfectly atop her head. 

 She wore small silver earrings and a beautiful round silver necklace that had sparkling white stones embedded on them, a medium size silver ring, the stone shining and reflecting on its surroundings and also a pair of silver heels that were half covered by the long dress.

 Susan holds her chin and thought, then snapped her fingers *aha!* and quickly took out a shiny silver flower shaped hair pin, carefully she clipped it on safia's curled hair, keeping the curls bouncy and in place. Smiling she spoke * now your gorgeous look its complete* brends let out * a beautiful princess in a perfect dress with the perfect hairstyle..*she wipes a stray tear that escaped her eye then quickly spoke * you two should really get going you don't want to be late, but sir Anthony hasn't arrived yet to escort princess safia *

Susan spoke up * that's no problem, we'll escort each other hand in hand * safia agrees * yes, like sisters* So holding hands, the two princesses stepped out of the dressing room and made their way to the palace hall, where the ball awaits.

 The moment they walk out of the room brenda allowed her tears to fall free, she whispers * I feel like she's the daughter I always wanted,...I'm truly so lucky to be allowed into her life...*
