
The History of the Rabbit Tribe [1]

The next morning.

Before Trewy and Nemu are going to leave the Rabbit Village for the Slime Cave, they decided to help a little more. Also Nemu still had to find out more about the rabbitmen!

And so, they started the day with something the rabbitmen hadn't done for a week. Leaving the village. What they needed the most was food. There were still supplies but they wouldn't last for more than a few days. Trewy was going to look for some seeds. So she could grew them into bushes with fruits later. The rabbitmen ate a lot of fruits. But by now, they collected them from the already existing bushes. New bushes would help them a lot. Not only for once, the fruits on the bushes would grow back, so with Trewys little help they would have more supplies in the future and therefore a better life. That's what they needed right now, they have lost many men. And the men were responsible for most of the food. Beastmen were able to eat fruits, but obviously, they prefered meat. However, most of their hunters died in the past few weeks.

Nemu went out with the rabbitmen who he first saw yesterday. Nemu didn't like hunting. But he knew they had no choice. So he decided to help them and... he was a huge help. Not only was he able to find animals long before the rabbitmen were able to hear them with his magic senses. With his Detective Skill he was able to track the movements of animals that were around the area before. The rabbitmen were very thankful again. With Nemus' help they were able to hunt more than they usually hunt in a week. Most of the rabbitmen were still nervous in the forest. They believed the words of Nemu and Trewy, but they were still missing the certainly. But it wasn't only that. Tthe bandits left. Nemu guessed that the criminal organization even paid them for leaving the area. If the Jura Tempest nation finds out who sent the bandits, it could be the end for them. Even if they were in other countries, the wrath of a true demon lord is nothing that they could deal with. So chances that they were just staying there and hunting rabbitmen on their own were minimal. But, like Nemu found out before, some of them were idiots. So he took care of it. If there were any humans around they would be in or near their old camp for sure. With his magical senses and his Detective Skill, which he liked more and more, because it was really useful and surprisingly versatile, he was able to see that there weren't any signs of humans left. They were safe for sure.

With Nemu's and Trewy's skills, it only took a morning for the village to look like before the attacks again and for the supplies to be filled. It was... almost unfair how much the living conditions changed with certain abilities. Some monsters had problems that were no problem at all for other monsters. Some of the monsters had a hard life in the forest, some could live a good life without many worries but others... had to fight for their survival every day. The rabbit people didn't really have a hard life before, they adapted to the forest and could mostly live without many worries. Dangerous monsters were spotted early and just lurked away. There weren't any monster attacks on the village in many years. So Nemu didn't worry about them even after they left the village. It would take them a while to get back to their old lives, but if nothing unforeseen happened, they should be fine.

At noon everyone met for lunch. And finally everyone could eat again until they were full. They had enough food before, but they were smart enough to ration it. After all, the rabbit people did not know how long they would be locked up. The sudden change was surprising for everyone.

For Trewy it was a bit confusing. She had told Nemu before. She thought only mindless monsters ate meat. Dryads ate only their fruits and, well, recently also cakes and cupcakes. It was strange for her, but she could understand. Some tribes needed it to survive. For Nemu it was different, he had on his list that he wanted to find a way to eat. However, slimes did not need to eat. So it would be only for his own enjoyment, no animals should have to die for it. So today vegetarian Nemu was born! But well, that was for the future, still he could not eat anyway.

After all were full, the elder called Nemu and Trewy to him.

The elder had promised to tell them why they left the beast kingdom about 100 years ago.

When they entered the cave once again, they saw that much had changed. The floor, which was previously covered with blankets and cloth, was now as it should be. Everything was tidy. Even from the small fireplaces that were previously distributed throughout the cave, only the traces of soot were visible on the floor.

In the room of the eldest it also looked clean again. The bed was still left and the table was in the middle of the room. Nemu and Trewy haven't noticed before that there were also carpets on the floor and walls. Perhaps the carpets were previously distributed as blankets? They hadn't noticed it. Even magic crystals that illuminated the room were hanging on the walls. The rabbit people were known to trade and the items were definitely not made in the village, so they had to be from traders. It looked... cozy. Even a carmine was built in the wall that was now burning and giving light. Although everything looked a bit spartan, it was a good home for a life in the forest.

"Welcome." The elder greeted them once again. He was already sitting at the table and he was not alone, a male and a female rabbit were with them. Trewy and Nemu had seen them outside before. "This is my daughter and son." That again, they had not known.

They didn't need a greeting because they had spoken outside before.

"I brought them today because they know the history of our people better than I do. At least my daughter does. I want my son to know the whole history today too. In our village, the women are more educated than the men. We spend most of our time in the forests, so stories from the past are often only told to our women."

Trewy and Nemu had learned earlier that most male rabbits cannot read and write. While all female rabbits were taught to read and write when they were young. So it didn't surprise them that much. In most tribes, only a few could read, often only the leader and the children of the leaders. For the simple reason that they did not need it. That in this tribe all women were capable of it, was rather something special. Nemu learned to read through Guide. He did not know how it worked, but Guide transferred information to most of the known languages in his mind, while Trewy had learned it from her sisters.

"So..." The female rabbit began to speak as she seated Trewy and Nemu. "Do you know what is the most important thing for beastmen? I can't explain why we left the Beast Kingdom without you knowing how the place is built."

"Strength." Nemu simply said. There was nothing more important to beastmen than strength.

"Right." Said the rabbit and nodded. There was a note of disappointment in her voice. "Beastmen care about nothing more than strength. The whole Beast Kingdom Eurazania is built on that. At the top is the Demon Lord Carrion. For hundreds of years. After that come his three beastketeers. They change sometimes, it's easy to become one, in theory, you just have to defeat one of the current beastketeers in a fight. And it doesn't only have an impact on your own person. When one of your own race rises to beastketeer, it also raises your status in society. While the race that was previously a beastketeer become a lesser race. So it is very important to train young and talented members of your own race and let them rise as high as possible. Everything else is meaningless, it doesn't matter how qualified or competent you are in a job, if someone of a higher race arrives and wants your job, they can just take it. Once a year, one of your own race is allowed to have a name given to them by the Beast King. Of course, the strongest is always chosen for this. However, rabbit people are exempt from this. We have always had the lowest social status in the beast kingdom. There is one thing that distinguishes us from all other beast races. We do not want to fight if we can avoid it. It is in our nature. Externally, we are not very different from humans, except for the ears and the tail."

She wagged her tail. Actually, it just looked like a fluffy tuft. Nemu thought to himself that it looked cute. But cute was apparently something that was not much appreciated in the beast kingdom. Sad. Nemu likes cute things.

The rabbit continued. "We are about as strong as humans. But the strength of humans comes from their tactics, armor, weapons, and quantity. It's not like weapons and armor are forbidden. Even the Beastmaster uses a weapon in battle. But all of them can fight without weapons. Besides, every beast race can take a beast form. Except us. Now there is something else that makes us different. When you get a name, you also get a skill. Do you know how to give skills?"

"My sister told me that skills are not given directly, but according to what you desire the most." Trewy explained.

"So, you don't get any fighting skills because you aren't interested in it?" Nemu concluded. This was new for Nemu, but it also explained why he hadn't gotten any skills that were useful in combat. Absorption doesn't work on other lifeforms. Guide could give him tips, but was otherwise useless in combat. Water Jet is a skill he got from the situation and he can't use it offensively. Same with Hardening, he used it offensively against Corsar but it was obviously a defensive skill. Detective wasn't really useful in combat either. His plan was to get stronger. but with his skills that wouldn't work. He'll have to talk to Rimuru about that later. Maybe he would have an idea.

"Exactly. Even if we are given a name, the chances of a skill that can be used in combat are rather slim. Physically, we only get a little stronger. When the Demon King found that out, we were forbidden to be given names. Well, maybe forbidden is the wrong word. We weren't worthy." Explained the female rabbit. Her brother and father looked resignedly at the table. "There is a place in the beast kingdom. There was a sacred mountain located behind Morotomo castle, one person of your race was allowed to enter it, but we were not allowed to enter that place at all."

'Oh...' Nemu thought. 'That's the place Milim blew away, right?' He shouldn't mention this...

"That's the place Milim blew away, right?" Trewy asked Nemu. Trewy... She really needed to learn when was the right timing for something like this.

Next chap soon. I initially planned to upload 1,5k-2k word chapters. Last chapter was 2,6k words and this was already at 2,2k words again and I'm not even close to the end, so I decided to cut it a little.

Lancel0tscreators' thoughts