
Divinity bout begins.

Mark choose a art called blood power. Blood power works on blood's strength. It increase the power of blood and at last tier it provide a destructive power and it also help the future generation. Mark learnt that Diamond- flex have 10 Geno lock, Blood power also have 10 Geno lock, healing and healer, card's miraculous have no any Geno lock and Mark doesn't read that 5th art yet. Mark starts practicing the blood power and he felt that a mysterious fresh energy starts running in his body and he is feeling more powerful and fresh. Mark sees his status

Mark: Not evolved

Age: 250 years

Core points required to evolve: 100

Obtained core points: common core points-98, basic core points-57, distorted core points-18.

Mark give all meat of that elephant to his pet because that elephant was very big that's why Mark doesn't eat that. Instead of that Mark eat that turtle's meat. After a week Mark return to FAMAS shelter and heard that only two days are left to sign up for Divinity bout. Mark thinks some time and goes towards arena to sign up. Mark sees that his turn is 298765. Mark is shocked because he never imagined that there are 298765 peoples are in FAMAS shelter. Then he remembered that many peoples came from JADE shelter. The capacity of FAMAS shelter is only 1000000. Mark then type there Trade and leaves from that arena. Three days are left for Divinity bout that's why Trade decided to go for a hunt nearby. He chose the place in smoke valley. In the smoke valley, a mysterious smoke area where invisible creatures are found. They are only of basic class. Mark enters in smoke valley and suddenly he felt that something collide with his armour. Mark sees around but nothing was there. Again but this time may things collide with his armour. Mark then concentrate at a place then he realise that the dimension is collapsing many places near him. Mark then conclude that this is because that aliens. Mark bring out his two sided sword and start cutting invisible creatures at that place where dimension collapsed. After some time, many notifications starts popuping on Mark's power screen.

"Basic creature invisible grasshopper is hunted you don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

After killing more than twenty invisible grasshoppers finally he got it's plasma soul.

"Basic creature invisible grasshopper is hunted you got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

Mark then sees that after dies those grasshoppers are no longer invisible. Mark check his new plasma soul status.

"Basic invisible grasshopper plasma soul type: invisible aura"

Mark knows that after using this plasma soul he will invisible because Jack has this plasma soul also. Mark then killed all the invisible grasshoppers there and make a heap of grasshoppers which contains 52 grasshoppers. On the other hand Brian left the team of Max and joined with Evelyn. Brian and Samuel is ordered by Evelyn to find a suitable place where they can hunt basic creatures to maximize their basic core points. Samuel depend on Evelyn's group because he is so weak and timid and known by Joker in FAMAS shelter. Samuel tells Brian that we have searched everywhere but any place is not suitable for her hunt. Brian says that only one place is left that is smoke valley. Samuel says that no way that place is same as hail. You remembered when Jack and his gang approaches that valley then his dozens of elites were killed by those invisible creatures. Brian says that but Jack got a plasma soul there. Samuel says that he is so lucky. That's why he got that invisible plasma soul. Brian pull him into smoke valley and suddenly they sees that blood is spreaded everywhere then they started to follow the blood. After traveling half an hour he sees that a man in black armour is standing near a heap of grasshoppers. Mark take two grasshoppers in his bag plasma soul because anyone cannot get any core points from same type creatures after two bodies. Mark is thinking that what will he done with these heap of bodies. Suddenly someone asks him that who are you brother. Mark turns back and sees that Brian and Samuel are there. Mark knows Samuel because he always telling tales to everyone is shelter. Mark says to him that you are here to buy these bodies, then each body costs 1 million and there are 50 bodies then total cost is 50 million and if you both have any doubt then count it. Samuel is so happy because he got a highly beneficial deal. This is because the cost of single basic creatures body in shops of FAMAS shelter are more than 10 millions. Samuel says that ok I will buy your all creatures body but I have no cash here. Please come on shelter and receive money. Mark says that no I need money here otherwise you both go to hail. Brian murmured into Samuel's ear that I will tell him his status. Samuel stops Brian and tell him that he alone killed 50 basic creatures, then to kill us is not difficult for him. Mark says that if you have no any interest then go from here. Samuel desperately says that no brother I am going to shelter for money and some people to carry these bodies and Brian will be here for guarantee. After that Samuel bring out his ride and travel towards FAMAS shelter with full speed. Brian asks Mark that who is he. Mark says that it is not important for you to know about me. If that guy will not back in 4 hours then I will kill you because you are here for guarantee. Brian is now feared and tell Mark that no he will come soon. Smoke valley is very near from FAMAS shelter but due to the terror of those invisible grasshoppers no-one wants to go there. In shelter Samuel take the money and some people and again back into smoke valley in 3 hours. He gave the money to Mark in a huge bag and Mark gave him all the bodies and start going in another direction. Samuel stops him and asks that hey brother my name is Samuel and my room number is 000567. I want that you will contact us for any next deal. Mark says ok and continue walk further. Samuel again stops and asks Mark that where I could find you for next deal. Please tell me your name or room number so that I will find you there. Mark turns back and says that I will find you for the next deal and it is not important for you to know about me. After that Mark continue walking and disappears after a while. Mark put all money to his bag plasma soul and comes back in shelter. After two days, Divinity bout started and the peoples are grouped into 300 for first round and solo battle in all next rounds. All the elders and others win in first round and last fight is about to start. This fight is of Trade. After some time everyone 299 fighters reaches on stage but 1 doesn't reaches there.
