
Bad examples of marriage

"She is going to hate us when she gets to know what we did, "Liam commented as he looked at the workers renovating the west end of the estate.  

"Way to greet your elder brother, brother, "Ethan sarcastically said.  

Liam heaved out a sigh as he turned his steel blue to look at his brother. "You know what I'm talking about." 

"Liam, why don't you suggest what I should do?" Ethan asked with a sarcastic smile.  

"I don't want to, "Liam said, shaking his head.  

"Why is it?" asked Ethan.  

"Because I know you will do that, "Liam replied truthfully. "This is not what I want you to do. Honestly, I want you to stop worrying about your good-for-nothing brothers and live your life the way you want." 

"Easier to say than do, "Ethan replied with a snort. "Give me a fucking reason to stop worrying about the brother who God know what does cooped inside his house and then there is another who is finding inspiration to live his life in God knows which part of the earth." 

Liam didn't know what to say. He knew that he had no right to ask Ethan not to worry about them when he had given him nothing but more reasons to worry.  

Six months ago, if Ethan had not broken his door, he would have died inside his house of alcohol poisoning. 

If Ethan didn't keep his eyes and ears on Rowan, the boy would die somewhere and they wouldn't even be able to find his body.  

Rowan was still somewhere on the earth finding peace in his next thrill. They hadn't talked in weeks and Liam didn't know when he would call to tell them that he was still alive. 

"What are you going to do about this Estate?" Liam asked after a while.  

"What about it?" Ethan looked at him and asked.  

Liam half smiled and said with a roll of his eye, "Come on big brother, you can't possibly forget the fact that if you are not married by your thirty-fourth birthday, all the property or shares that grandfather left you would be inherited by our dear cousin Asher." 

Ethan froze at the reminder. This was the conversation that he didn't want to have. He still couldn't come together with the fact that his grandfather wanted him to marry and have children. 

There was no way he was going to destroy the life of an innocent woman by pulling her with him into the abyss of marriage.  

As for children?  

Was seeing Liam, Rowan or Selene crying themselves to sleep wasn't enough that he would like to be the reason for someone else's tears?  

He always knew that he would be a shitty father.  

When Liam saw how his brother was lost in his own thoughts, he went on, "And please don't give me crap that you are going to buy the estate from Asher at a double or triple cost because there is no way in hell he is going to let this opportunity of keeping you under his thumb let slide. Not only that, he would be the CEO of the company that our mother gave almost half of her life to and then married an asshole for the same company." 

"Jesus, Liam, what do you want me to do? Get a wife?" Ethan asked, impatiently. "Do you think I care about the company enough to give away my life on a platter?" 

Crystal Westbury had spent all her life on her company, her father's legacy. She tried to take the family business to another level and she succeeded in the end. 

But at what cost?

 She had to give away her life on a platter to another man only for company. His parents had a business marriage but Crystal fell for her husband who ruthlessly kicked her away when he had enough of her.  

He agreed that it was his mother's fault for falling for her husband and his grandfather's also for liking a douchebag for his daughter to marry. If only his grandfather was capable enough to find a good man for his daughter, this day wouldn't have come. 

So many bad examples of marriages but his grandfather still had to make him miserable. 
