
Chapter 236: Mother McGonagall Teaches Her Son (Edited)

Hearing Fish's sudden challenge to Professor McGonagall, the students nearby stopped what they were doing and looked over.

They looked nervously and expectantly at Professor McGonagall, waiting for her response.

"Do you want to fight me?" Professor McGonagall looked at Fish with a smirk and reminded her, "During the duel, you can only fight with your wand."

"That's right nya! There's no point in practicing with them, since I already know how to use Expelliarmus."


He had already learned the Disarming Spell when Professor McGonagall had told him the stories, so he had no interest in practicing the Disarming Spell on the other students.

He still couldn't transform into a black-footed cat, though, and the rules for tonight's duel was that he could only fight with his wand, and Fish knew he wouldn't be able to beat Professor McGonagall, but he still wanted to try.

Fish did this mainly to test how much combat knowledge he had learned from the stories and to prepare himself for formal challenges in the future.

Although Professor McGonagall did not know what Fish's plan was, she had no intention of refusing.

She also wanted to see how much Fish had learned from the stories, and to get Fish to correct some of her bad habits.

"I'm fine with the challenge, but if you lose, you will no longer be able to sleep in class in the future."

Professor McGonagall offered her terms.



Fish immediately became hesitant.

It was not uncommon for Fish to promise something to Professor McGonagall after being defeated, but this time the conditions are too harsh and Fish felt it was not worth it.

Seeing that Fish seemed to back out, Professor McGonagall immediately added, "I can dispense with the transfiguration."



The kitten's eyes flashed, but he quickly calmed down again, although in Fish's impression, Professor McGonagall was bullying him with transfiguration, if she didn't use transfiguration spells, he had a chance to win, but....

I can't go all out!

Even if Professor McGonagall didn't use transfiguration spells, he would still lose.

This is something Fish knows.

Not seeing that she couldn't convince her kitty, Professor McGonagall said with a regretful expression on her face, "Then let's change the condition, if you lose, you have to use the cutlery correctly when you eat."

At first, Professor McGonagall had wanted Fish to promise not to run at night if he lost.

But after considering the cat's temperament, and thinking that he would probably disagree, and the fact that it had been a long time since the attack, Professor McGonagall simply changed the condition to a simpler one.

Fish bowed his head for a moment, thinking he could accept this condition.

Isn't it just fork on the left and knife on the right, plus being careful when cutting meat?

It wasn't difficult for Fish, it was just a matter of whether he wanted to do it or not.

He didn't do this before, simply because he felt that eating like this was too much trouble and didn't feel right.



Seeing that Fish agreed, Professor McGonagall smiled slightly...

Although it didn't get Fish to agree to not sleeping in class, it was nice to change his bad habits a bit.

"Excellent!" The showy Lockhart took notice of the situation and stepped forward, "This is a great opportunity, why don't you guys go up on stage and compete? I'll be the judge."

Lockhart's shouts made the students far away aware of the situation here, and everyone immediately gathered around.

Professor McGonagall looked at Lockhart and nodded softly, agreeing to his proposal.

Unlike the other students, Fish was very sensitive even in his human form, and if he fought him in the crowd, there was a good chance he would hurt the students next to him, so it was a good idea to fight on stage.

The three of them took their positions on the stage, and the other students regrouped around the stage, even Dumbledore and the other professors, who had somehow managed to sneak into the large dining hall.

"First of all, take a bow!"

Lockhart, who was standing center stage, shouted excitedly, the feeling of being the center of attention was so great that he even thought about having a duel with Fish.

With Fish unable to use his fists and feet, Lockhart thought he could still hope for revenge.

Ignoring the insolent thoughts in Lockhart's mind, Fish and Professor McGonagall stood facing each other and bowed.

The little cat was full of excitement, tail wagging rapidly behind him, while Professor McGonagall was all smiles.

"Raise your wands and get ready!" Rohat continued, "On the count of three, cast your spell. One - two - three."



In terms of speed, Fish had a clear advantage, and attacked Professor McGonagall first.

Professor McGonagall knew that she was not as fast as Fish, so she initially cast the Protego Charm to defend herself.

"Fish's speed is too fast! But Professor McGonagall defended herself with the Protego Charm!".

Lockhart did his best to catch the spectacle and explained, which drew glares from many people.

I'm watching a cat fight, so shut up!

As usual, these stares were ignored by Lockhart.

The spell was blocked, and Fish wasn't worried, because he already knew that if he continued to use the spell to hit the Protego Charm, the thing actually wouldn't be able to resist a few times.



"Petrificus Totalus!"


(●``Д′●) つ━☆*.

Fish's little hand gripping the wand danced rapidly and beams of light of different colors flew towards Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall, who was already under a supersensory spell, was not as fast as Fish, but she was able to perceive the trajectory of the spells, and blocked them easily.

And with a little effort, she cast a small Depulse Charm on Lockhart, who had been talking non-stop.

The unsuspecting Lockhart went flying once more from the spell, rolling across the stage a couple of times before coming to a stop at the edge.

"I'm sorry," apologized Professor McGonagall disingenuously, "Professor Lockhart, you might want to stay away."

To laughter from the students, Lockhart jumped off the stage with an embarrassed look on his face, forcing an explanation under his breath, "If I use a magic spell to resist, it seems your duel isn't fair enough..."

Of course, no one believed his explanation.


The tip of Professor McGonagall's wand emitted a cloud of gray smoke, covering her figure, and casting a silencing spell on itself, rendering Fish's ears useless.

The presence of the smokescreen not only prevented Fish from smelling Professor McGonagall, but also caused him, who has a keen sense of smell, to sneeze.

"Achu! Achu! Achu!"

Fish sneezed several times in a row, had to back up a bit and quickly put on a bubble head spell.

The students on stage gasped as Professor McGonagall's actions managed to turn Fish's keen senses into weaknesses, showing a level of combat far superior to Lockhart's.

As he had agreed to use only magic spells to fight, Fish did not use the Druidic spells [Animal Tracker] and [Wild Mark].

Professor McGonagall shifted position under cover of the smoke and then fired a series of non-verbal spells from the smoke.

Not knowing the nature of these spells, Fish did not dare to fight them, but instead used his speed to his advantage, constantly dodging them.

But that was not the way, and as he dodged, he thought of a solution.

Soon, with his wand held high, he cast several wind spells at the smokescreen in front of him.

"Tergeo! Tergeo! Tergeo!"


The spell, intended to clear dust, was used by Fish to disperse the smoke, which elicited a nod from Dumbledore and the other professors watching.

Although it only temporarily dispelled the smoke from the Smokescreen spell, it was the perfect choice for a second-year student.

Just as the smoke was almost dispersed, an icy blue light shot through the smoke, easily dodged by Fish, and hit the ground.

Immediately after that, another red light flew, according to his previous experience, Fish was about to continue dodging, but he felt his feet slip and his whole body fell to the ground.


