
Make the most of the system, please! part 3

"What? what did I do?" Ryu said as he was being escorted out of the building by the same people who had invited him in.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do to help you now. Although it may seem like a rude thing to do, queen Samoat actually saved your life." Saser explained once they were outside the city.

"But, I don't get it, what happened?" Ryu had never been so confused in his life, the beastkin people had taken care of him while he was unconscious. The minute he wakes up he gets invited to a celebratory feast in his honor, next thing he knew he was served a dish that contained human meat and then was kicked out of the settlement.

"It may sound odd to you, but we eat humans." Saser sighed, "I'd like to tell you that we take no pleasure in doing so, but it's actually a delicacy. From the dawn of history, we've always preyed on humans, it's just the way it is."
