
Hancock's Birthday.

Ch 135: Hancock's Birthday.

New World, Wanokuni, Onigashima.

Koch and the girls were staying at the Onigashima, although it was Kaido's Lair, but there is no one strong enough to stop the Sun and Moon Pirates.

Orochi was hiding in his house and didn't even dare to come out, and Jack, who was beaten by shakky, didn't even dare to say anything, he can only nod his head.

He was wating for kaido and others to return, after they returned, he can take his revenge.

Koch and the girls decided to wait for kaido.


Ten Days Later.

Ten days have passed, and there was still no news about kaido.

In these ten days, Koch and Gion continue the training of the crew, their training is even harder after they gained adult body.

Yamato and Ulti just ate the Devil Fruits, so their training was harder than the others, which increased their combat power even more.


Today was Hancock's eighteenth birthday, so the whole crew decided to celebrate. All the best food, and Kaido's wine collection were brought out. The Sun and Moon pirates were having a huge party.

Jack was looking at them, his face was ugly, this place belongs to kaido, all of the best wine and food belongs to Beast Pirates, but now the Sun and Moon Pirates were treating this place and everything as their own.

"Boss Jack, you must hold back, that witch will beat you again."

The subordinates pulled Jack, almost all of them were beaten by shakky, they were afraid of her.


Late at night, the party was over, all the member of the Sun and Moon pirates returned back to the New Dawn.

When the Sun and Moon Pirates left the onigashima, all the Beast pirates released a sigh of relief.

Jack gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, as he looked at the seat of kaido, which was destroyed by the Sun and Moon Pirates.

"Did you contact the others, when will they return back."

Jack asked the pirates, it's been ten days but kaido and others haven't returned yet.

"Boss Jack, we just contact the ship, they told us that, it will take few more days."


After returning to the 'New Dawn', all of them went to their rooms.

When Koch was about to open his room, his observation haki sensed someone's presence.

Koch looked back, it was Hancock and she was drunk, she suddenly charged forward and pushed Koch into his room, she also entered the room, and locked the door.

Koch was surprised by Hancock's action.

"Koch, I turned eighteen today and I want my gift."

Hancock said to Koch, her face was red, she was embarrassed but she doesn't want to be left behind by Gion and Stussy.

Koch looked at Hancock, he knew, he was fucked.


Big News Morgan was busy printing the latest news.

Early in the morning, the newspaper was spread all over the world. It contained the pictures of Koch and the girls enjoying the party, Jack carrying the wine and food for the party, and the few females members of the Beast Pirates dressed like maids.

And the newspaper also published the most important news, even after ten days Koch and the Sun and Moon Pirates were still in Wanokuni, and there was still no news about Kaido and Beast Pirates.

"The Sun and Moon Pirates didn't leave the Wanokuni."

"Where are the Beast Pirates and Kaido?, did they really ran away."

"If kaido didn't go back, his territory will be taken by the Sun and Moon Pirates."

"I am wating for the fight between two sea emperors."

"If I was Koch, I would have taken all the wealth and left the wano already. It was kaido fault, that he was not there at wano. The Sun and Moon Pirates already told that, they were going to visit kaido in Wanokuni."

"Koch is the sea emperor right now, he can't just leave wano like that. And if kaido didn't returned, then kaido didn't deserve the title of the sea emperor."

"Once kaido returned back to Wanokuni, it is going to be a big fight between two emperors, is Koch really that confident?"


Whitebeard was also reading the newspaper, unlike normal people, he knew about kaido. Kaido won't run away from any fight.

Whitebeard was shocked by Koch decision to stay at wano. Whitebeard has fought with kaido and knew about his strong physique, it will be almost impossible for Koch to defeat Kaido, and there were thousands of Beast Pirates, while the Sun and Moon Pirates has only around fifteen members.

"Isn't Koch afraid that his crew members will suffer heavily in this war."

Whitebeard can't understand koch's thought. Koch may have the strength to fight against kaido, but what about his crew members. Can they fight against thousands of pirates.


"mama.mama. looks like the Sun and Moon Pirates are underestimating the Beast Pirates."

Big Mom said as she read the newspaper, she thought that the Sun and Moon Pirates already left the Wanokuni.


Kaido who was rushing back was also reading the newspaper, all the Beast pirates were silent, they didn't want to say anything and anger kaido.

'Look like captain is angry. I should keep my mouth shut, if not he will release all that anger upon me.'

Queen was silent, and didn't even dare to looked at kaido. He looked at the newspaper, he was also angry. Their territory was occupied by the enemies and their subordinates were treated like slaves. This was the greatest humiliation for the Beast Pirates.


Kaido start to laugh.

'It's over, Boss has lost his mind.'

Queen quickly find a place to hide.

"Koch is indeed an admirable opponent."

King said as he read the newspaper.

"I thought that Koch killed our crew members, and left wano already, but he is still in wano. That is good."

Kaido was laughing, he thought that Koch will leave wano after killing and robbing, and when they returned to wano, they can't do anything. The sea is huge, they can't leave wano and search for the Sun and Moon Pirates.

But now Koch and the Sun and Moon Pirates were still in wano, and they were also close to wano, no one can stop this war anymore.

"How long it will take to reach Wanokuni?"

Kaido asked the navigator.

"Three days."


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