
Koch's New Target.

CH 104: Koch's New Target.

New World.

Koch and the group leave the island as fast as possible.

After almost an hour after Koch and the girls leave the island, a phoenix burning in blue flame came to the island.

It was Marco who got the information about the Sun and Moon Pirates, he was shocked as he looked at the corpses all over the area.

"Were they killed by the Sun and Moon pirates?"

He got the information from some underground agents, that the Sun and Moon Pirates were in this island, but now looking at the island that was filled with many corpses, he was shocked.

Everyone looks like, they were sucked dry, with white hair and grey skin, their death was horrific.

"All of them looks like old peoples, but there should not be so many old people in this island, this island is always filled with many pirates. It seems like, all of these corpses belong to the pirates and their life-force was sucked away." Marco examined at the corpses of the pirates, he is a doctor, so he easily figured it out, how they were killed.

"Just what kind of Devil Fruit is this, that can suck the life-force of the opponents?, Is this person also the member of the Sun and Moon Pirates?"

Marco was little disturbed, this kind of ability is little creepy. Marco start to look for any trace of the Sun and Moon Pirates.

Marco was sure that the Sun and Moon Pirates came to the Whitebeard territory to join their pirates crew.

Marco found few people and asked them about the Sun and Moon Pirates, these pirates were weak, so they easily gave him the direction of the Sun and Moon Pirates.

When shakky came to absorbed the lifespan of the pirates, she found that the location of the Sun and Moon Pirates was already exposed, so she didn't waste time to kill all the pirates, she only absorbed the life-force until she was satisfied, and left others alive.

After getting the direction of the Sun and Moon Pirates, Marco spread his wings and flew away.

"It's only been one hour since the Sun and Moon Pirates leave this island, I should be able catch up to them." Marco flew towards the direction of the Sun and Moon Pirates.


"Sister shakky, do you know about the Shichibukai candidates?" Koch asked Shakky, he was curious.

Hancock was one of the Shichibukai in the original series, but now she is the crew member of the Sun and Moon Pirates, so Koch was curious, just who is going to replace Hancock.

"The World Government are keeping this secret. there were many false information, so it was hard to tell who were invited by the World Government, but many people believe that Doflamingo can be one of the Shichibukai."

Shakky said to Koch, the information about the Shichibukai was kept secret and nothing was leaked. Although many source confirmed that, Doflamingo will be one of the member of the Shichibukai, but she was not sure.

The world government didn't announced the names of the Shichibukai yet, they are waiting for three month and they will announced it on Sabaody, right above koch's Grave. The world government was just attracting the attention of the people and the pirates.

Koch was certain, that all the Shichibukai will be the same as the original, except Hancock.

"Do you have any news about Dressrosa?" Koch asked Shakky.

"Dressrosa was occupied by the Donquixote pirates few weeks ago, and Doflamingo became the new king." Shakky flipped through her notebook, she recorded every major event in her notebook.

"I thought that Dressrosa was one of the allied Kingdom of the world government, how can it be occupied by the pirates?" Gion asked.

"The previous king of the Dressrosa, Riku Doldo III, looted the wealth of the country and also slaughtered many innocent people, Doflamingo become the saviour after defeating the Riku Doldo, and with the support of the nation, he become the new king."

"Even so, the world government will not let the affiliated country occupied by the pirates." Gion was still puzzled, Dressrosa was occupied by the pirates, but the world government and the Marines didn't take any action.

"If Doflamingo was a member of the Shichibukai, or may be a Celestial Dragons, then it is possible." Koch said to the girls.

Gion and Shakky looked at Koch, they were shocked.

"That coward have such strong background."

"Captain, are you sure that Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragons?"

Shakky asked Koch, she thought that the world government didn't attack Doflamingo because he was going to be a Shichibukai, but she never thought that he was actually a Celestial Dragons.

"Donquixote Family was one of the founder of the world government, so Donquixote Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragons."

"Koch, if you are right, then everything makes sense and what happened at Dressrosa is a conspiracy." Gion said to Koch.

"Captain, what are you going to do?" Shakky asked Koch.

"We will uncover the conspiracy and let the world see the darkness of the Shichibukai system"

"Captain, then are we going to Dressrosa?" Stussy asked Koch.

Gion, Shakky and Stussy, wants to take the revenge for Koch, so they want to destroy the Shichibukai plan of the World Government.

"Not right now, the World Government will announced the Shichibukai system at the Sabaody three month later, and I am sure they will broadcast the announcement to the whole sea through the den den mushi, that will be our perfect opportunity."

"The World Government must be working hard for the Shichibukai system, but their plan will be destroyed by us, I would love to see the reaction of the Five Elders." Shakky was looking forward to that day.

"Those Shichibukai are weak, and not worth mentioning. Sister Shakky, how many high rank marines will be present that day, do you know anything?"

The world government and the Marines were going to announced the Shichibukai system, so there must be powerful marines, the Shichibukai were all pirates, they can't be trusted.

"Marines hasn't announced that yet, but the Fleet Admiral Sengoku will be there, I don't think that Admirals will be there. The marines send four Admirals after you, so the pirates were afraid and they can't trust marines, if the Admirals were present, none of the Shichibukai members will dare to come. There is still more than two month left for the announcement, and many information were kept secret."

"So, Fleet Admiral Sengoku will be there."

Koch eyes were cold. Fleet Admiral is the leader of all the Marines, and also the strongest Marine. So what will happened when, a Fleet Admiral was killed by a pirate.

"Sengoku, you are my target."


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