
Chapter 6 Idiot, Drama, Bird

Walking down a hallway with a scroll tied with beads and a envelop a Clefairy with a monocle walks into a wide open room.

This room has 3 floors that aren't walled but has railings that make sure there aren't any accidents on each floor. On the first floor the center has Skeletons of tall pokemon and bird skeletons dangling as to show its flying.

To the right of the first floor are glass panes, cabinets, and exhibits of smaller skeletal pokemon with information and pictures of said land based pokemon.

The left has a large waterfall that goes from top to the bottom of each floors with muiltple water paths which is about 3 feet deep. There are glass aquariums with water proof stools, a metal speaker on the glass for communication, blinds that separate each stool and a metal box container that is used to slide items from one side to another.

The second floor is similar on both sides with the exception that the left side has everything water proof. There are rows of book shelves, long tables with chairs with an orb in the center on the right while the left has luminous moss on the table, the same orbs and luminous moss are on walls and ceilings in there respected area, and lastly are the counters for the librarians.

The right side librarian is a Luxio while the left side librarian is a Lanturn. And Lastly the top floor which is only accessible to higher level staff contains files, research material, evolution stones, unidentified fossils, unknown items, and banned books each locked behind safes, cabinets, lockers, and storage units. On the right side of the third floor there are two stone statues at the entrance of the third floor that depict the legendary Groudon. The left side entrance of the third floor also has two stone statues but instead of Groudon is the legendary Kyogre.

The Clefairy known as Wes is walking to the center of the room heading to the fossil section of the right side. Walking to a specific area he makes a turn to see no one is there. Turning his head to the left and right he walks to other sections on the right side. During his walk he see other pokemon looking at fossil or reading information of said fossil, but not the specific pokemon he went to search for. With an arm crossed, a hand on his non existent chin, and with a pensive look Wes is at a lost on where is the Cubone he is looking for.

"Excuse me young one I'm afraid your blocking this ones view."

Wes who was in a deep thought had his shoulder tapped by what feels like feathers. Turning a glance at who tapped his shoulder he sees a tall bird pokemon with glasses and with a book that is in his feathers.

"Oh. Sorry about that Honchcrow must have been distracted." Turning to leave he is blocked by feathers.

"We haven't seen each other in almost a year and you choose to leave, you saddened me my Friend." Honchcrow has his face completely covered dramatically.

Clefairy with a sweat drop says "Sorry I'm looking for someone specific so I can't deal with your drama." Flicking the feathers blocking his path he heads to the stairs that lead to the second floor.

Honchcrow seeing the Clefairy heading upstairs adjusts his classes then walks to the center of the first floor.

Clefairy on the second floor walks straight for awhile when a book cart slammed into him from one of the turns.

Books were flying in different directions some hitting random passerby or those sitting near tables. Clefairy on the ground was rubbing his forehead while glaring at the idiot who caused this.

The idiot has his face on the floor while its butt with a ball like tail is up. The idiot has a small body with a big head, two bunny like ears, and short stumpy arms and legs. The bodys color is cream like with red along the arms. The sounds of wings flapping at the edge of the rails.

"Is everything ok? This book here almost made contact with this one." Honchcrow is on the railing extending his wing to show a book.

Clefairy gets up brushing off the the imaginary dust. Looking around him he can't find the scroll which worries him. Walking to the idiot ,with his foot he taps on the feet of the idiot. "Hey cluts you awake?"




Honchcrow who is on the railing adjusts his classes, hops next to Clefairy and says "This one is impressed never have I seen anyone put to sleep by books so literally."

Clefairy rubbing his forehead looks around him to see some pokemon wondering what's the commotion. "Shut it bird brain, you'll give everyone the wrong idea." Going towards the fainted pokemon he turns it over to see that the pokemons eyes are swirled.

"As this one says death by book now you should flee." Honchcrow extends his feathers pointing at Cleafairy this grabs the attention of those around them.

No longer rubbing his forehead Clefairy looks around again this time seeing that few eyes are on him. With a worried straight face he says. "Honchcrow whatever fantasies your cooking up in that bird brain of yours I suggest you stop before this get out of hand."

Honchcrow adjust his glasses again only this time his glasses has a glint lifting his wings he says "Flee my Friend flee and never return as you have now carved a path."

Clefairy noticing that lot more eyes are looking this way he stares at Honchcrow with a deadpan face then he stares at the crowd. 'Remind me why I'm friends with you?'

Honchcrow puts his wings down walks to the railing with his wings behind his back and his beak looking at the floor still continuing his rant "This is the path in which all who witness you feel fear and dread. The path where the older generation will use to scare miss behaving younglings."

Clefairy looking at Honchcrow turns to face the crowd only to see that the crowd has gotten bigger 'O-k. what's going? why are there so many pokemon today It's a weekend there are even some sitting at the stairs listening. Squinting his eyes he does a take back with wide eyes. '...Wait?! Is that a onix head resting on the stairs?! How did it even fit here?!'

Honchcrow turns to face the crowd the glint on his glasses becomes a bit brighter "Yes I can hear it now. He lurks in the deepest of dark shadows that not even ghost would dare to tread." Honchcrow walks along the railing slowly. his claws making clipping noises that add a bit of atmosphere. "Those who see him will run in terror not even bravest of souls would dare stay only the completely foolish or idiotic would dare to stay."

Clefairy is rubbing his non existent nose while his eyes are closed. 'For Arceus sake which moron decided to pair me up with this dramatic bird!' Staring at a top corner of a wall with a angry glare he swore he heard someone's echoed whistling fading from a distance.

Honchcrow stops walking faces Clefairy with a serious face he points at him "For those that dare to attempt to call for this monster they must locate a special book with a mark of a claw print. This claw print is no ordinary print because this print is a forgotten language used to communicate with the ruler of god of death himself. Yes, for those who read the book shall meet face to face with monster in service to Giratina. He will leave a legacy as the Clefairy the owner of the Books Of Death." When Honchcrow finished his words the glint on his classes becomes clear again showing his red eyes. Closing his eyes he looks at the crowd and bows as if he was performing to an audience.

Everyone who was staring at Honchcrow became enthralled with his words especially the young ones who have sparkles in there eyes listening. While the older pokemon don't buy his words are interested in his made up story some returning to whatever they were doing.

Then there is the victim Clefairy who is lifting the book cart and placing the books on the floor back on the cart. The pokemon who are watching put the books back thinking he is being nice but Clefairy thinks otherwise.

'Where did the scroll go? I'd assume that it was under the cart but it wasn't? Putting away the books didn't help either because it wasn't buried. Where could it be?'

Looking at the pokemon with swirled eyes he walks to it. Raising his left hand a white thinly white veil covers his hand. "This should wake you up...Why am I talking to myself?" Getting ready to use a [Wake-Up Slap] on this pokemon the pokemon jolts up.

"I'M AWAK-" When the Swirled eyed pokemon jolted up it head butted Clefairy stopping his move and both pokemon are on the floor laying on there backs with red foreheads.

Author Notes:

Sorry I haven't posted in the month I could say something about breaks, holidays, family, and life intervening but I was just procrastinating. Did you know you can procrastinate because of fear of rejection. I didn't know that either. Because I didn't know if anyone was leaving a comment so I'd assume no one likes reading this novel?/Fanfiction? I'm not a professional writer so I don't know. Either way I'll try to post weakly. Remember this is made off the top of my head so expect inconsistency or complete bull. Please leave a comment to let me know if anyone enjoys. God this dosen't sound genuine.
