
Chapter 8:Three tails

The big gorilla looked at the human laying on the ground in the distance. It slowly made it's way to the human and bumped it's hand against the human's foot. The foot moved after being bumped so the gorilla raised it's fists in the air before smashing it down on the human.

The human suddenly evaporated into a puff of smoke. The gorilla then sensed the earth opening beneath it. "YOU'RE MINE! RASENGAANNN!" Rowan flew from the ground with momentum as he saw the Rasengan reaching the gorilla.

The gorilla suddenly moved to the side, completely avoiding the Rasengan and then it punched Rowan in the gut which sent him spiralling. Rowan crashed into a tree before collapsing on the ground. The gorilla sent another road into the sky.

The other gorillas immediately went into a craze and started smashing their fists on their chests. Rowan looked at the big gorilla. It was strong, fast and had good defence. He never felt endangered like this before.

Then it dawned on him why he was fighting this big gorilla in the first place. A plan started formulating in his head immediately. He checked on his chakra supply and did his best to get into a fighting stance before rushing the big gorilla.

He jumped and punched the gorilla square in the face. As the gorilla got ready to smash Rowan away, he created a thin chakra barrier on his skin. The gorilla swatted him away like a fly but with the barrier, the damage was far less.

Rowan got up and rushed at the gorilla again. He smashed his fist on the gorilla's cheek before being swatted away again. He punched the gorilla's forehead and got swatted away again. This continued for a while before Rowan decided to finish off his plan.

Rowan circled around the gorilla and aimed for the back of the gorilla's head but a hand swatted at him. He created the chakra barrier again and this he got smashed to where the sword was embedded into the ground.

Rowan stood up, grabbed the handle of the sword and pulled it out. He placed the sword in front of him and slowly walked to the big gorilla. The gorilla took that as a challenge and rushed at Rowan. Rowan closed his eyes and focused on the feeling of the sword in his hands.

As the gorilla closed in on him, he opened his eyes which has turned red. Chakra flowed through his body and vanished. He appeared in front of the gorilla and slashed with the sword through the gorilla's eyes leaving it blinded.

He vanished again, appeared behind the gorilla and slashed through it's ankles. The gorilla fell to it's knees. He vanished again, appeared in front of the gorilla again before slashing through it's wrists which it used to support it's body.

The gorilla collapsed face first onto the ground. He vanished again, appeared next to the gorilla before lifting the sword above his head. He held the sword in the air for a good three seconds before bringing it down, separating the gorilla's head from it's body.

Silence enveloped the surroundings. Rowan held up the sword and looked at all the other gorillas around him. A smile appeared on his face as he vanished again. When he appeared again this time, all the gorillas fell to the ground.

Rowan looked at the 32 red crystals in front of him and the orange one in the middle. He wanted to turn them all into blue crystals so that he could above them down Kurama's throat but he was running low on chakra so he decided to head back first.

The first place Rowan headed was Arthur's stall where he and Kurama ate their fill before heading to the house. At the house, Rowan started turning red crystals into blue crystals so that Kurama could swallow them.

Kurama swallowed 20 crystals before he refused to eat any more. The two tails of Kurama was brimming with energy. 'Turn the orange crystal now,' Steve said and Rowan complied. Kurama, who was full ran to the crystal and swallowed it before collapsing.

Rowan looked on as Kurama started growing bigger and got the same size as a tiger. Kurama squirmed as his two tails moved slightly to the right to make room for a new tail. Rowan laid down next to the three-tailed Kurama that went to sleep.

Rowan hugged the sleeping Kurama like a pillow before falling asleep himself. As Rowan slept, he dreamt of standing on a huge Kurama and they were fighting another Kurama for some reason but the dream didn't make any sense.


Rowan was still in the dream world drinking soup until she called out his name. She kept on calling and calling until the voice changed to one that he was already familiar with. Rowan woke up and saw an angry Angelique standing in front of him.

"You should wake up the moment someone calls you. You sleep like a rock. Get up, there is something we need to discuss in the kitchen," Angelique said which made Rowan think back on whether he did anything wrong but nothing came to mind.

Before he could ask Angelique about it, she left his room. Leaving Kurama in his room, Rowan headed to the kitchen where everyone was gathered. He was really worried since he didn't want to leave since they had shown so much hospitality.

"Why do you look so gloomy? Did you have a bad day outside?" Angelica asked which made Rowan feel even worse. He immediately bowed his head and started apologising for what he did wrong whilst claiming that he didn't know.

The whole Pekeur family laughed at Rowan's silliness before talking about the matter at hand. Turns out, a dungeon was forming outside of the capital's main gate and tomorrow Angelique is going to join the people defending the capital's walls.

They were still discussing the dungeon when Rowan asked a question that made them feel shocked.

"What's a dungeon?"
