
League of Shadows

"Whaaa! I didn't know the Triangle was in Orange River..."

Observing the surrounding landscape, Maya was ecstatic. It was her first time in a city since she entered the Triangle.

"The Triangle is not in Orange River. Why do you think we had to pay 10 merit points to use the transporter?"

As Maya stared at the landscape with a star in her eyes, I was having a tremendous fight with the city map.

'What kind of psychopath can read that!?'

Orange River City.

A small town where one of the farthest branches of the Triangle was located.

Also, it was the city where the underworld ruled, of course in secret.

It was where I was currently.

"Hey Maya, have you ever been here?"

Hearing my question, Maya nodded, still looking at the landscape of the Triangle branch.

"Less bad."

Taking her hand, we walked out of the branch onto a fairly paved avenue.

Full of shops and people walking the streets.

"We need to get to District 13."

Maya turned her head to me in surprise.

"Huh? District 13? That place is pretty dangerous."

Maya took out her newly acquired cell phone and started fiddling with it. A few seconds later, she took my hand and started walking toward one of the turns in the avenue.

"A cell phone is certainly useful."

I muttered as I dangled the small bag in my pocket where the cell phone was inside.


"Just to be sure, who are you?"

Staring at the white mask with pink and blue accents, I asked.

"I am Rose, the third black sky, the cloudy sky."

Maya's voice sounded behind the mask as her appearance was covered in an all-black uniform.

"And who am I?"

Maya stared at my black mask with red accents and replied after a few seconds:

"You are Dragon, the first black sky, the stormy sky."

We were both wearing a mask and the same uniform, in an empty alley that had no signs of life and looked a little strange.

These were forgotten corners of the city. No light, dark lonely, and exuding a strange sensation.

People usually tried to avoid this place.

Making sure the black uniform cap covered all of her hair, I waved at Maya from behind the mask who waved back.

As we started to walk into the alley, we came face to face with an old wooden door.

The door was hidden under the darkness, if you didn't go into the alley and pay attention, you probably wouldn't find it.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Knocking on the door alternating the right time between each knock, I waited peacefully beside Maya.

After a while, the door panel creaked open.

Two black eyes appeared through the panel behind the door.

"What you want?" The husky voice and stern tone scared anyone, but keeping up my cover, I ignored it.

"Read my fortune."

I replied, while staring the black eyes turned blue and the panel closed.

A short time later, the door opened to a portly man wearing a black suit.

He stood by the door and said:

"You can come in now."

Nodding, I walked ahead with Maya behind me.

The muscular man let us through and closed the door with a creak.

Behind the door was a long series of stairs leading up.

Putting my hand in my pocket, I pulled out a bag, and reaching into it with my other hand, I pulled out a small black book with a blue fire drawn in the middle.

"I want to sell this magic control at auction."

As soon as I took the book out of the dimensional bag, the man's monotonous expression broke, he stared at the book as if he had found the most precious treasure of his life.

"W-wait! I'll let the boss know!"

He started up the stairs running quickly leaving us there.

I stared at Maya who was still in character silently.

'I'm sure she has a lot of questions... But it doesn't matter now.'

The man's anxious face reappeared as he descended the stairs. With a more respectful stance, he bowed and pointed toward the stairs.

"I'm taking them to see Mr. Gomez."

I nodded and started walking up the stairs. The burly man ran forward to lead the way and Maya and I followed closely behind.

After a long time of walking through corridors and stairs, we finally reached the end. The burly man took a step forward, reached out, and pushed open the door in front of him, and unlike all the dark and lightless path.

A bright luxurious salon with a modern style different from the minimalism the world has adopted was seen.

The man turned his head and smiled pushing us inside. "Welcome to the leader's room."


Chapter 102, Arc of the Lawless Domain.

That's when the protagonist, Lucas, infiltrates the League of Shadows, and together with his organization, he destroys one of the great organizations of the underworld.

But that? Of course, it will happen in the future.

Now, the League of Shadows rules only one neighborhood.

In the middle of the luxurious room, behind the table, was a panicked black-haired man, moving his leg quickly in his anxiety.

He had dark eyes to match his hair, thick lips that looked like big sausages, and what stood out the most on his face, a heart tattoo near his left eye.

Pretending to be calm he smiled and got up from his chair, without greeting me, he extended his hand and asked:

"Can I see?"

Naturally, knowing what it was about, I handed the book to him. Examining him for a few seconds, the president sat on the table with his hand on his chin.

Lost in your thoughts.

"I've never heard of you." He straightened up and crossed his arms. "May I ask your names?"

His attitude had changed when he confirmed that it was indeed a magic control, by his analysis, it was at least mid-level.

No one with full mental faculties would sell a magic control in the underworld.

Unless it's an organization.

"Forgot to introduce myself, forgive my rudeness. I'm Dragon."

I pointed my hands at Maya who was looking at the place completely ignoring the existence of the man in front of us.

"And this is Rose. We are from Black Heavens, a lawless domain organization."

Astonishment dominated the president's expression.

Lawless domain, a place he dreamed of every day. A meeting place for all races, where none is sovereign and where there is no law.

For an organization to survive in the lawless domain...

"It's my pleasure. May I ask what your esteemed presence is doing in the League of Shadows?" The president raised his eyebrows. "If anyone has offended you, we apologize."

Smiling, I shook my head. "I'm here to sell this magic control, and nothing more."

"Oh? And what's the price?"

Without answering, I walked forward and pulled out one of the chairs in front of the table, motioning for Maya to sit.

As soon as she was seated, I sat in the next chair and watched the president do the same.

"You are the price, Maximus Sagaza."

Hearing his name come out of my mouth, the president's eyes once again widened.

Of course, they should, no one should know that he was from the Sagaza family.

But I know.

"What do you mean."

Answering surely, he narrowed his eyes as he stared at me.

"Black Heavens wants to expand into the human domain, and we have chosen you to lead the human branch."

The president pondered for a while. he was smart enough to know the meaning of what I had just said.

"Why me?"

"Oh, no special reason, if you don't complete our test, we'll just destroy this organization and move on to the next one."

Maximus' expression darkened, he stood up and slammed his hands down on the table.


"Are you threatening me?"

His hands sank into the table with their strength.

As soon as he dropped his weight onto the table, Maya raised her hand silently and blue energy began to form a small blade in front of her hand.

"Wait, Rose. Don't kill him."

I responded as I grabbed Maya's arm and slowly lowered it.

Seeing the metaphysical energy in Rose's hands, Maximus shivered as his grip loosened and he collapsed onto the table.

That was the power of misinformation.

Seeing my order, Maya lowered her hand and stopped her magical energy.

"You have the peak strength of humanity, Maximus, but not a control of magic. Your strength has already reached its limit. Have you no ambition to achieve something greater? Now is your chance."

Hearing my answer, Maximus snapped his fingers and the door opened, entering ten guards who surrounded the hall.

He got up, trying to compose himself, and asked:

"What if I refuse?"

This time, it was my turn to get up and place my hands on the table.

Circulating my magical energy, I began to increase the temperature of the air around me.

"You know very well that once I've mentioned your name, you no longer have the right to refuse."

Yes, he hadn't. Because Maximus is a fugitive from an Original family.

My voice came out thicker than usual, the serious tone making Maximus swallow hard.

"Even if you try to run away, you have max 100 magic energy, if you use your concealment skill, you will run out of energy fast."

Noting my serious expression, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, putting it in his mouth.

"Where's my lighter?"

He shouted to one of the guards who will just enter.

Opening my hands, I pointed my index finger at the cigarette and a small flame appeared above it, lighting the lighter.

I felt Max's gaze travel over every move I made.

He was arguably the strongest in this room, but thanks to that uniform, it was impossible for him to know that.

Because he didn't have control of magic, and his perception was too low for him to see through the uniform.

Taking a drag, he took the cigarette out of his mouth before asking, "What's the test, and what do I get if I pass?"

"It's quite simple. With your strength, you managed to command the 13th district. Use magic control. if you manage to control the entire underworld of this city, you pass the test."

Sitting in the chair, a smile formed on my lips behind the mask.

"As for your reward, you will earn the position of eighth black sky, the misty sky."

"eighth heaven..."

He muttered confused.

"What is my prestige with this position?"

Maximus asked with confusion in his eyes.

"Let me introduce myself formally. I'm Dragon, the first black sky, the stormy sky. And this next to me is Rose, the third black sky, the cloudy sky."

Still confused, I ignored his expression as I rose from my chair, taking Rose's hands and helping her to her feet.

"If you want to know more about the organization, complete the test. Remember you have 30 days."

And then in the same direction we entered, we exit.


As she walked to the Triangle branch, Maya's mind was working at full throttle.

The situation was very strange.

Dreyden was already mysterious in her eyes, but now, he has become an unknown.

While she was lost in her thoughts, a voice snapped her back to reality.

"If you have any questions, ask."

Watching Maya's complicated expression, Dreyden said aloud.

"I have a few." Maya sighed and looked him in the eye. "Black Heavens, does it exist?"

"Now exists."

She stared into Dreyden's determined eyes for a few minutes before nodding.

"Alright, I trust you." Looking back down the path, Maya squeezed his hand. "One more thing, you really gave him the magic control?"

She watched a smile form on Dreyden's lips.

"Of course not. That's a variation."


"A modified, weaker version of the original."

He replied, smiling at her.

Maya frowned in confusion at the answer.

"And how did you do that?"


She asked curiously, but unfortunately for her curiosity, Dreyden just stared at her.

He wanted to answer, to clear up the girl's doubts, but could not.

'Copying what you did in the novel.' He thought.

When Lucas discovers that a magic control can increase his stat cap, he is very sorry for having given up his magic control.

But that's where Maya makes a variation of the original controller and gives it to Lucas.

It was this control that was in the leader's hands.

"Do you think he'll make it?" Curious, Maya asked. "Even though he is from an original family, he is still a fugitive.."

She watched as Dreyden's expression turned serious and he stated vehemently, "he'll make it."

Dreyden stated. But in his memories, a specific line from the novel was being read in her mind.

'Not even she, 29th in the official ranking of world espers, could break her concealment.'

That's the power of an original family.

Dreyden greatly anticipated which identity Maya would assume, as the plot is different now.

"Let's leave the future in the future, and focus on the present."

He replied while looking at the horizon and continuing to walk.
