
Chapter thirty

(Maria's POV)

I stealthily creep under a wide bush as I watch the unsuspecting squirrel munch on a nut.

In a burst of speed, I push myself forward and out of my hiding place.

The little animal didn't get the chance to even react before I'm upon it and I snap my strong jaw around its neck, effectively killing it in one bite.

I carry my catch in my mouth and start walking around until I find another area with high bushes that could conceal me perfectly.

I lay on my stomach and started to take small bites out of my meal. I could finish it all in one go but I like to savor my food, not just gobble it down like that naughty girl.

She most probably got the habit from her father.

The thought causes me to lose appetite.

Fortunately, I am already down to my last bite so I take it in my mouth and start to make my way back home.

The woods in this area are unsafe for humans and werewolves alike, the feral rogues won't try to differentiate.
