
First Meet 4.0

"Oh really?" Justin hit Laura in the stomach with his elbow, causing the girl to moan softly and stumble backward. With one hand, Justin pressed Laura's chest against a pile of fallen dry leaves. While the other hand reached for a peg that was behind his belt.

"Now, this is the best day for me." His hands were raised high ready to plunge the stake in his grip into the vampire's heart in front of him now.

Suddenly, Justin froze to see the necklace that was familiar in his memory was around Laura's neck. A necklace that brings him to the memories of four members of the Victor family. The one he's been chasing.

"You're a member of Victor's family?" Justin asked in a low, surprised tone.

As he recalled, The Victors only had four family members. Demetrius, Mikayla, Jase, and Cassandra. His mind was wondering: So, who is the vampire girl in front of him now?

The shock led Laura to the exit. He bit Justin's wrist hard enough, making the young man scream in pain from the piercing of Laura's two fangs. Freed from Justin's grip, Laura stood up from the ground, staring straight at the vampire hunter who nearly killed her with a wooden stake seconds ago. Her trademark slanted smile was scornful.

"See you later, Handsome. In the hell."

Laura Kristeva ran at the speed of nanoseconds leaving the place. Leaving Justin moaning in pain and cursing at the same time feeling the heat of Laura's bite on his wrist.

Quickly, Justin reached for a medium-sized syringe under his belt as well. He stabbed the syringe into his wrist, injecting a liquid into his blood. That was why anticipation was necessary for vampire hunters. Justin lay down on the ground, looking up at the dark sky as well as holding his breath while waiting for the antidote to work in his body, fighting against Laura's poison that had managed to enter and touch her blood.

This time, Justin was saved. If he was too late to enter the antidote for the vampire's poison into his body, he was most likely dead or had turned into a creature he considered disgusting and hated the most.

Rare luck, he guessed.
