
Chapter 22 - Cold War

Unfortunately, as soon as we reached the gate, we were greeted by a few guns pointed at us. While it was true that we looked almost exactly like the grounders, until now, we weren't attacked by firearms coming from them, so I thought that this would be good enough for them to realize that we weren't grounders.

Seeing as they didn't shoot us could only mean that they have some doubts about our identity which was a good thing for us. Looking above the gate, I saw Daniel Winters being the one in command, and to be fair, he was doing a pretty good job keeping all the goons in place in my place. He was one of the few people to join my side since the first day I actually did something for the camp. He was also one of the few people that volunteered to search for me when I got myself captured by the grounders.

"Daniel opened this gate for god's sake. Can't a guy return home without having a dozen of guns in his face?"

As soon as they heard my voice, I could see the shock and excitement on the faces of these people, but just as fast as they got happy to see me alive, their faces turned sour for some reason.

"Sorry, Leon, but we can't open the gate. Bellamy's orders."

"Since when did he start ordering you around?"

"He came back with a prisoner after your team went out to help him. As soon as they got inside, he and his goons locked the whole place not letting anyone leave or enter. Your friends tried to argue, but were quickly shut up when Bellamy's goons took the guns."

For fuck sake, I leave for a day and when I'm back there's a cold war ready to turn into a civil war in our camp. Even for Bellamy, this is way too much…

"Dan, find Clarke and Finn and bring them here, please."

"Sure thing."

Thankfully, we didn't have to wait for too long and after about four or five minutes, Daniel returned back at the gate, followed closely by Miller and Rave, with no sight of Clarke or Finn. For a second I raise my eyebrow when I didn't see Finn and Clarke, but maybe they were busy with something otherwise both of them would have come here as soon as they heard that I was back, as for Raven, I knew that she would come as well and I was betting on it, after all, she was probably the only person in the whole camp that could find a way for us to get inside if needed.

"Leon! I knew you'd come back."

"What happened guys and who let Bellamy turn this place into a warzone?"

"Long version or the short one?"

"Give me a summary first, you can tell me the rest when I'm back inside the camp."

"We found Octavia, she was captured by a grounder. Bellamy found the grounder's cave, Finn got injured and the grounder is being interrogated right now. The whole camp split into two sides, with Bellamy's side stealing the guns you guys brought back. They bunker down inside the drop ship and no one other than Clarke can go inside."

It was worse than I expected, and if what Raven said was true, then whatever happened to Octavia made Bellamy mad once again and while I can understand why he would react like this, that doesn't mean that I would let my people fight between themselves just because Bellamy can see what's happening.

"Miller! How many armed people do we have?"

"Twenty-eight are armed hunters and guards and thirty-two people without any kind of weapon. Do you plan to fight Bellamy? "

"It will be a blood bath, Leon !"

"We won't fight. Dan, Miller be ready to catch."

Both of them look at me as if I had gone senile, but before anyone could react, I picked Monroe and run straight to the wall, flawlessly throwing Monroe over the wall right on top of the two boys, while I quickly climbed it and before any goons that follow Bellamy could react, I was already in front of them.

The four goons raised their guns and aimed at me, but before they could do something they would regret, the one that seemed to be in charge just shook his head before telling them to lower the guns.

"Smart choice."

"No, Leon, I don't want to fight my family."

"Then help me end this stupid fight between ourselves."

He nodded at me and as soon as Miller, Dan, and Monroe got up, we quickly made our way towards the dropship. Along the way, the people that didn't join Bellamy's militia were slowly following my group as we marched towards the dropship.

By the time we reached the dropship, almost 70 of the 91 people were standing behind me ready to fight the militia. Looking at the faces of those goons, I could see how much they wanted to end this whole thing, but Bellamy's words were stronger than their wills.

I simply walked forward while signaling my group to stay behind and let me do the talking without a literal army behind me.

"I leave this place for one day and we end up fighting each other for what?! For an idiotic title or just for some power? I don't know what happened to Bellamy and why you are following him but think about it. We were sacrificed by the Ark, yet we survived against all odds. We were attacked by grounders and once again we lived. We are one family, there aren't any sides here, we all are the same. We can kill each other as much as we like, but at the end of the day, the grounders would be the ones to benefit from our death, not my side or your side. Look at you people and see what we have become. We are fighting each other. I'm sick of all of this drama, but in the end, that's what makes us humans. I don't want to fight you and neither do the people behind me, but if that's the only we could stop this maddens …"

No one said anything after I finished my words and even though my speech sucked, it still made my point clear. Soon, one by one, Bellamy's militia, dropped their guns making me smile in response, in the end, the bond we made is still stronger than Bellamy's love for his sister.

As soon as I got inside the dropship, I saw Clarke and Harper trying to keep Finn alive, but right now, I couldn't bother with them, since I had to stop Bellamy from killing the grounder. Not because I feared what would happen, but because I was sure that my ways would be more efficient than his crude torture. Clarke didn't notice me, but Harper did and after nodding at her she turned her head back to the knife that was in Finn's chest.

When I got to the top floor, I saw a beaten grounder tied by his hands and legs while Bellamy and two other goons of his were taking turns. I didn't see Octavia anywhere in the dropship, but since the militia was no more, I'd reckon she'll come sooner or later here.

Right as I climbed out of the ladder, the goons tried to stop me, but as soon as they saw the crowd that was behind me and the weapons in their hands they just returned back to their places, while Bellamy was still obvious what was happening behind.

The grounder, on the other hand, was bloody and bruised thanks to Bellamy, but nonetheless, he still didn't speak a word to him, not even after he got tortured for so long.

"Bellamy stop!"

I saw Bellamy tremble when he heard my voice, but just as he turned to punch me, I caught his arm and throw him to the ground while pinning this idiot to the ground until his sense would return.

"What the hell happened to you, Bellamy?"

"They…took my baby sister!"

"Didn't you save her? Then what's with this crazy movement of yours? Our people could have killed themselves thanks to you! I know that you love your sister, but the world doesn't revolve around her. "

"She was… injured! He stabbed Finn!"

"Exactly! That's why I'm going to make our new friend talk. Take Bellamy and lock him up until he calms down. Then we'll talk about this whole thing."

After Bellamy was taken away by Miller and Sergey, I was left alone with the grounder. And from the look on his face, he knew that I was the one with the stronger voice amongst my people.

I walked in front of him and look him dead in the eyes and in a broken yet understandable voice, I talked to him in his native language, courtesy of Niylah for teaching us a few words.

"Tell me, why did you kidnap one of my people?"

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