
Chapter 69: A Crying Shame

Unkown Location, Unkown State (2001)...

Bloodied hands had been in plain sight as the small girl huddled against a nearby wall desperate to be invisible and out of the line of sight of the angry man who had lost his temper yet again and was beating a poor sorry sod to death in the wake of it. She could see through tear-stained blue eyes that he'd been hitting the nonmoving man in a brown Sheriff's shirt over and over again spurting more and more blood as the angry man struck the bloated dead body in the wake of unbridled rage that had almost been inhuman.

The terrified little girl had been unable to do much aside from tremble as the monster that had taken her from her family did a good deal of harm to yet another kind soul that attempted to adhere to her need for assistance in the wake of being taken from the only people she'd ever known and trapped with the brute that worked at the Carnival.

Fear filled her tiny body but she didn't dare move, nor make another sound outside of the barely stifled sniffles that happened whenever she looked upon the savage monster who had been covered in blood, blood from the dead sheriff that had come to rescue her. She didn't know how he found her, he'd been asking a lot of questions as the man with angry eyes seemed to find them annoying and eventually tricked the unsuspecting man into following him back to their room where he proceeded to disarm and beat him to death.

He had finally stopped, all the yelling and the punching as he took in a few deep breaths. His face and hands were covered in the crimson blood from the dead man on the floor and he sat back on his knees looking around and composing himself for a few moments before getting to his natural towering height and moving toward the still sobbing and trembling little girl.

"It's alright," he said wiping the blood from his face by way of the back of his sleeve. "Daddy's not made anymore baby."

Still terrified the girl stood as he approached scooping her into his arms and holding her close staining her innocent clothes with the blood of his most recent murder victim.

"Daddy just had to protect you," he said, his voice reassuring and fatherlike. "Nobody is gonna get between me and my little girl."

Despite her age and her fear, she knew better than to cower from him, she had hoped he'd stay calm and not hurt anyone else if she had just elected to do as she was told. There had been too many bodies on account of her and she felt quite guilty for having been the cause of it.

"It's alright," he said, his deep baritone drawl lingering in her ears as she was forced to rest her head against his blood-stained shoulder. "Daddy's got you, ain't nobody ever gonna take you away from me again, I'll kill any man or woman with enough gall to try."

She supposed he thought of himself as being protective, but she had known even with her limited understanding of how the world worked, that he had been the monster from all of her fairytale stories that she was told before she went to bed at night.

More tears streamed down her cheeks as she thought back to the days and nights when her real father held her against his chest and rocked her to sleep as his voice drummed along in her ears and she listened to his heartbeat before drifting off. She didn't want this monster to have the same touch nor manner that her real father had but she had been much too shaken in the wake of all the real horrors she'd experienced at this evil man's hands.

"Shhhh." he urged in a fatherlike tone despite being covered in blood and the source of her distress from the moment she awoke in his care. "Daddy's got you, little girl, Daddy's got you."

Unable to navigate the emotional and physical strain of having cried her little heart out, the girl found herself drifting off to sleep as the monster stood bloodied and guilty of murder patting her back as if she'd been an infant. He had after all known his way around dealing with children, especially young children and they had never been his enemy nor on his radar for vengeance, he had reserved his wrath and contempt for adults he encountered menfolk especially.

As she slept she didn't see him dispose of the body, clean up the blood and shove his clothes into a sack that he opted to burn once they reached a place far enough from the town that no one would dare question what he'd been up to.

The rather cold and calculating brute had done everything in his power to ensure that no one had been able to take the little girl away from him. His broken and arrogant mind was not at all considering the fact that his own little girl had already been long gone as a result of another's callous aims to make him suffer.

"Don't you worry baby girl," he said softly as he looked upon the innocent sweet face no longer twisted by shock and relatively peaceful in slumber. "Nobody's ever gonna take you away from me again, I'll fight to the last breath to make sure of it."

As the girl slept a blonde entered the room shocked about the amount of blood that littered the floor.

"What are you doing?" she hissed in annoyance. "And with the girl in here are you trying to traumatize her any further!?"

"Keep ya fuckin' voice down and get her into the truck." growled the angry man with his blue eyes blazing with hatred. "We ain't got long before somebody comes sniffing around looking for that son of a bitch and I'd like to be as good as gone."

The blonde had been about to say something but noted the angry eyes of the man she'd been with and sighed.

"Fine," she said moving over toward the little girl and scooping her up into her arms. "Poor precious little angel probably couldn't take the strain."

"Get the fuck outside." hissed the angry man as he did another quick sweep of the room while she walked out with the little girl cradled in her arms.

The blonde did as she was told, what started out as her being infatuated with a guy she worked with had turned into a rather tumultuous relationship of sorts and now he'd gone and had her assist him in kidnapping a helpless little girl, making her an accessory and in constant fear of his turning his murderous rage onto her or the child.

In her heart of hearts, she couldn't in good conscious leave the child with him alone, there was no telling what he'd do to her or the child. She did as she was told and took the girl to the truck if only to appease the angry man and keep him from killing again.
