
Chapter 37:  The Alluring Kind

Layla Quinn's Bedroom, The Quinn Residence, Backwoods, Temperance, South Dakota....

Blue eyes opened to find that everything seemed to have been right with the world as Layla Quinn awoke in her bedroom after having fallen asleep shortly after cleaning the place from top to bottom following her father's latest tornado pillaging that left the place a mess. She found it odd that she felt the presence of another warm body beside her own as she took note of the still slumbering and very naked older man whom had been holding her against him as he slept. Layla sighed recalling the events that lead to her sharing her bed with Brick Kenneally of all people and why he'd been naked beside her beneath the sheet that covered him. Brick snored quite loudly, possibly a reflection of just how tired he'd been after his midnight adventures and to make matters worse, he'd been aroused which had gotten Layla's undivided attention.

She did her best to ignore it, but the tenting of the sheet around his waistline was both a curious and a ridiculous sight to say the least. She'd still been young and her cheeks turned red and she couldn't take her eyes off him. Brick apparently felt her eyes on him and started to awaken stretching his impressive physique and smirking at her when he did open his hypnotic grey eyes.

"You like what you see don't you?" he said still with the same smirk catching Layla off guard as she nearly fell off the side of the bed in reaction to his snide remark.

Brick chuckled at her clumsiness and reached down to help her back to her feet, dropping the sheet from his waistline in the process. Layla couldn't help but stare once more as Brick pulled her toward the bed and she lost her footing where she ended up tumbling onto the mattress with Brick towering above her. They shared a laugh for a moment or two before their eyes locked in an intense gaze and the all too familiar heat between them seemed to return and overrode their mutual senses.

Layla found herself unable to take her gaze away from the naked man that towered above her in the confines of her childhood bedroom. Their lips crashed together in a series of heated kisses as Brick's larger body spread out over Layla's whom had still been dressed in her usual brand of jeans and a dark colored t-shirt with some snide remark on the front of it. Her long dark brown locks had dangled freely about her face after her ponytail had come undone in the wake of her falling. Brick's muscular form flexed before her as he held himself up via his large and powerful arms which were just as ripped via muscle as the rest of him.

There was silence between them as the mutual beating of their hearts had filled both their ears along with the labored breaths that came with being in such close proximity. Another series of heated kisses saw to their already rising tension increasing as Brick let out a growl when pressing his larger body against Layla's. Just like before when the seemingly magnetic pull had gotten the better of them, Brick found himself unable to dull his senses as Layla clung to him.

Her scent was driving him wild as he dug his fingernails into the mattress below them. Layla could do little aside from moan at the sensation of his heated body pressing against her nor the series of steady mind fogging pheromones that intoxicated her as much as he'd been in the wake of their strange impulse to be together.

Brick kissed Layla along her exposed neck as she panted in response to his intensity matching it with some of her own as the older man began to growl in anticipation of finally claiming the young woman whom had been revealed to have been his mate of all things. Layla couldn't help the series of moans that escaped her lips that made her internally giggle as she had heard more than a few girls doing the same when making out with their boyfriends when occupying places they shouldn't during school hours.

She understood it all now, the heavy breathing, the intense need to touch and be touched by the one they were giving themselves to. It all seemed to overtake her in a matter of moments as she had no doubt it had other girls when caught up in their need to sate their ever building lusts. Brick was different from those over zealous college boys though, he was quite patient despite the building aggression and need within him. He would only proceed if she willed it and she was grateful to him for that.

The heated series of kisses continued as Layla could feel her blood boiling as surely as Brick had as their bodies grew desperate for more contact. Not wishing to let her go, but instead coming to the conclusion of putting all the power into her hands, he rolled her off then swiftly pulled her onto him as he crashed against the pillows and she fell on top of him, her clothed body towering above his naked form as he smiled noting the cascading dark brown hair that fell onto her shoulders and commanded his attention as she moved.

His excitement intensified as he looked up at her, the only woman he'd ever let direct him in any fashion and she'd only been sixteen. Try as he might to fight the inevitable, it was beginning to appear that the old dogs had been right about the ramifications of a wolf such as himself being bound to the will of a woman via the imprint between them.

Layla ran her hands along the rippled abs of Brick's torso unsure if she could hold herself back as she leaned down to kiss him again, the heat of her body coming into contact with the massive pulsive appendage between his legs as she curiously saw her way to examining it. Brick smirked having piqued her curious nature as she wrapped her smaller warm hand around him and he let out a low chuckle at the fact that she couldn't get her fingers all the way around him.

"I knew you liked what you saw." teased Brick lying back against the pillows as if he had all the time in the world.

"Says the freak of nature." remarked Layla with a grin.

"Who's to say it ain't normal?" asked Brick knowing full well that his size wasn't in the least average.

"And this is suppose to go inside someone...health class left out quite a lot." said Layla marveling at him while comparing him to the sex education videos she was forced to watch at school. "No way anyone could fit this monster inside them."

"Don't knock it till you've tried it." remarked Brick holding Layla up by the waist as he leaned forward kissing her neck as he had when she'd been pinned to the mattress.

She seemed to lose herself in the heat that appeared to engulf them both as the all too familiar magnetic pull refused to dissipate. Before she knew it, Layla was out of her shirt and down to bra and jeans as Brick kissed the newly available flesh on the side of her neck. His kiss was wet and warm, everything she had dreamed of when missing him during his absence and his powerful grip on her young body made it all the more intense.

Her scent was driving him crazy as he began to show signs of his passion getting the better of him in the form of his eye color shifting as the maddening lust and the increase in pheromones began to take hold of them. Another low growl erupted from Brick's throat as he found himself maneuvering behind her as she ended up on all fours on the bed while he kissed her neck and shoulder.

The two of them had been so enthralled via their heated exchanges that neither of them noted that the door to her bed room had been opened and that they had no longer been alone as they had an unwanted audience staring back at them.
