
| Inferno

'He's… he's left,' Ava croaked in response to Stroke's question. 'Gone.'

'As if I'll ever believe you,' Stroke chuckled and pulled a cigarette lighter from his pocket. 'If that little bastard has skipped town, I hope he said bye to his folks first. 'Cause Marcy's gonna make sure he won't get the chance again.'

'Where is she?' Ava couldn't help but ask fearfully.

'Conspiring with Maski now he's back in town.' Stroke held the oily flame up close to her cheek, and she flinched. 'But later, when it's nice and quiet, she's gonna creep up to Jack's mommy and daddy and …'

Ava gasped as he held the lighter flame to the thick curtains. The heavy fabric smoldered for a few seconds then caught alight. He crossed about the room, starting more little fires here and there until the room was filled with dark smoke and eager, orange flames.
