
| Crawling Out Of The Shadows

Ava was too worried for Jack to care about what the guy thought. She grabbed her bag and Jack's stuff and crossed to where the kid lay cursing and struggling on the ground.

'What did you do?' she demanded.

'Damn ankle sprained or something.'

'I mean, what did you do to get a pack of werewolves chasing after you?'

He sneered at her. 'And why are you on my case?'

'Because my friend has just risked his life trying to save you,' Ava snapped. 'You'd better be worth the rescue.'

He snorted. 'Rescue? Sure. I know what kind of rescue you got in mind, wolf-girl.' He mimed slitting his throat.

'As I told you earlier, I'm as human as you are,' she told him. 'I'm not one of them. But they want me to be. They're chasing after me like they are after you.'

'So why'd you hang out with the wolf?'

'Jack's not like those scums chasing after you. Did you see his eyes?'

'I guess,' the boy conceded. 'Didn't look like wolf's eyes. Looked… normal.'
