

  "What do you have in mind? You can tell me your preferences." Martha asked the girls, as they were the most interested in buying. Three of them seemed to have some time of competition; her discerning eyes could clearly tell it at a glance.

She also didn't want to rush them for fear of retaliation.

"The watch he bought last time; I want the same female model," Paige said as she pointed to Samuel as asked Martha.

" Me too." Iblis also asked the same thing.

" One for me too." Maia was just a little behind.

Martha finally solved the mystery. Samuel was up to some shenanigans.

She was spot on as it all started when they saw Liliana and Rosaline wearing matching watches. They didn't know the price tag, but it was not hard to guess that Samuel had gifted it to them.

Their jealousy was at its peak when they saw him mingling shamelessly! There was only one way to calm their anger: treat them the same thing!
