
The Behemoth-1

  After a few shooting days, Amelia decided to head back. Samuel was not her only actor; with recent fame due to his casting, many new talents flooded in to join her agency.

She envisioned a win-win situation when she first proposed the idea to Samuel. She was also relieved that he was getting along with the other cast member and the production crew.

" Make sure to call if you ever get into any trouble." 

" Aunt, you don't have to worry about that. You have seen how mother has been behaving for the past few days."

" Right, But still remember to update me regularly. I feel responsible as your agent."

" Alright."

These were their parting conversation before Amelia took the flight back to the States.

The following day they were set to head north toward the national park near Leeds. The cast members were appointed to fly to the nearest city before taking the road. The equipment was being transported in huge trucks.
