
How To Tame A Dragon: Second Step; Create Boundaries

Patches of ice appeared where her foot or arm connected and eventually covered all over the one handed Troglodyte's body completely.

"No blood. No blood. Mother, there is no blood." Winter cried.

She turned to the then Corrupted Troglodyte and tossed a stone at it in her fit of rage.

She was throwing a tantrum like a true child.

The ice sculpture that she had created completely shattered at the force of the stone she tossed the stone and I finally understood why all the other scary looking humans and Beasts obeyed the Nemesis; Wixx after Winter got involved.

POV-----> Anastasia


There was a loud and deafening sound that resounded throughout my mind abruptly forcing me out of my forced slumber.

I woke up to a painful headache, this loud sound and the thought that the pink haired crackhead managed to shut me down in a few hits.

'She was much more formidable than I thought.'

Suddenly the headache increased extremely beyond what I could bare.
