
Adventuring (2)

"Not at all. Criminal Zephyrs, although I do have to guard this place because of you people." The regally dressed man replied.

I wanted to step forward and get Anastasia but I just couldn't.

In fact, I found myself stepping back because I knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"I never thought you'd be able to find a new memb-" The regally dressed man tried to say before he was radically assaulted.

He had a Great Dragon Battle Cry shot at him in point blank range right in the face, the shattered rubble from the boulder was pelted in every direction from the great force of this attack and they traveled fast enough to leave blisters on anybody caught in the rapid fire.

After the dust settled and the pelted rocks had done their damage the regally dressed man forced into the wall.

Blood dripped from every available facial attribute. His eyes rolled back and were bloody, his nose dripped blood along with his mouth and ears as he was practically implanted in the wall with a bloody head.

"Shit, turns out you were right, Ash. There is no turning back now." Whitlock sighed.

Anastasia was standing tall in the spot where she attacked her assailant, with her yellow eye giving off a radiant sun-like glow.

[A/N: Bro got folded quicker than I thought, is it really going to be that easy?]

The regally dressed man was surprisingly still living.

His slicked back black hair was completely undone and his similar back eyes were shaky and bloody.

"You come to my Crypt to rob me and then when I try to evict you safely this is what is done to me!!" The regally dressed man yelled.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked Whitlock.

He shrugged off my question and kept whispering to Ashford.

"Wait…" The regally dressed assailant said.

He raised his bloody palm and tried snapping his finger, he did it twice.

Then took a brief pause and proceeded to do it multiple times.

"No, this can't be!" He bellowed while snapping more and more.

"I can't hear!!!" He screamed in a raucous voice different from the one he used when he first got here.

"These damned criminals, these damned criminals. These Damned Criminals!!!!!!" It seemed he was still trying to see if he could hear because he was screaming much more than he needed too.

"Yo, Azur. That guy is dangerous, he is the son of a renowned thief. He wants to steal from this Crypt." Whitlock says to me in a coercing tone.

"Knock him out before his underlings come, we'll help you." He said and smirked.

"Christopher, long time no see ey? How's it going?" He sarcastically asked the regally dressed "son of a thief.

"Criminals! Criminals! Criminals!!" Christopher kept on screaming to himself.

He really couldn't hear anything.

"You are talking. Why the hell are you talking!!?" Christopher screamed out and then proceeded to raise his hands upwards.

"I will give you a taste of true wrath!!" He said before pulling his fists to the ground and the existences of sharp rocks called stalactites began falling to the ground.

Multiple sharp rocks fell straight to the ground and it was hard for me to dodge.

I had close calls with a few of them that scraped me.

"Ahh, he is already angry. Fuck. Well, you guys stay back. I'll take care of this."

"Christopher! Get ready! I like that you can't hear me, dickhead." Whitlock taunted.

"Criminal!!!" Christopher screamed out and raised his palm up and formed spikes that quickly emerged from the ground and threatened to impale Whitlock.

"Nope. Let's see how fast I can really go now. Better go all out." Whitlock screamed and then burst forward.

The wind clasped around his feet like soles of raw lightning, shot him right through the onslaught of attacks.

Christopher squatted to the floor to dodge the flying bullet that Whitlock's speed had turned him into. With his fists on the floor the rock material under them glowed a bright purple and gathered around both his fists.

"I won't let you off!!" Christopher irrelevantly screamed out at the top of his lungs and rushed forward to the best of his ability.

His footsteps left unnaturally deep prints into the rocks and he began to blitz Whitlock with fist attacks which Whitlock had no hard time dodging.

Whitlock was practically having fun with his assailant; he was very relaxed with his spear and hadn't swung it once and he merely just dodged. This assailant seemed to not have any particularly dangerous battle techniques.

As though he heard my thought, he randomly got more annoyed and irritated and he managed to restrain Whitlock's feet by forcing him to stick into it.

He was an Earth manipulating Sorcerer.

With his rock hard fists he delivered multiple terrifying blows to Whitlock's face mercilessly.

"I forgot to stay light on my feet, you are still formidable." Whitlock managed to say while he was assaulted.

Christopher still couldn't hear at all.

"Zane, you could come in at any time now." Whitlock screamed.

Christopher made the mistake of having a bit of time lag in between his hits and Whitlock swung the spear's bladeless end and hit him hard in the shoulder.

This dazed Christopher and then Zane rushed forward similarly to his brother and slammed a drop kick into the back of the assailant further dazing him.

"Double?" Zane asked his brother as Christopher was recovering.

"Of course." Whitlock replied and then Zane dropped to the ground and sweep kicked his brother's legs and broke them off in the most jagged way.

I was wide eyed in surprise at this, for many reasons in fact.

Zane had enough strength to break the bones in someone's legs with a simple kick and he did it to his brother.

"Ahhh, shit. You could have made a clean cut; this is much more painful." He said while his legs were bloody and feet-less.

"This would be much quicker. I'm going to use my Volition, this guy hasn't even started, I can't risk it." Zane said while his skin became more and more rough and took a weird coloration.

Whitlock's feet suddenly began regenerating as his skin turned a ghostly pale white, I wondered what kind of sorcery they were attempting to use.

"You still haven't gotten to the Axolotl, brother. Shame, let's blitz this guy anyway." Whitlock taunted as their weird metamorphosis was completed.

They relatively looked the same, but they had weird attributes.
