

Landing on a not so strudy branch with high precision and speed without even causing it to crack ever so slightly, a figure dressed like a typical ranger looked through a spyglass, checking their surroundings but only seeing the typical landscape that was that of trees and some small green flatlands.

Jumping from tree to tree with care, the person, a woman with a hood finally spotted a sign of what she had been looking for, that being an enormous hole in the ground that seemed to have been caused by a great shock and explosion, the area seemed scorched but not by flames per se and trace of a red substance ressembling blood could be found if one inspected it with great attention.

The hole seemed quite recent, meaning that she had technically completed her job and could go back immediately, which she was about to do when she suddenly felt something coming toward her, moving only her upper body, she leaned backward, feeling something of greath warmth going in front of her before crashing into a tree further away and ripping it to shreds.

The sudden movement had been slightly painful but it was much better than wahtever she had just avoided, looking toward the destroyed tree, she immediately saw a lot of blood that was evaporating from the sheer heat it was at, at boiling temperature.

Another one of those things was coming but this time she wasn't caught of guard and easily evaded what appeared to be a perfect ball of hot blood, it was fast but it came from too far away to be of a threat to her.

She dodged a few more of those and despite the increase in pace at which they were shot, none even grazed her, the sheer heat they exuded was enough to make her sweat despite the cold temperature though.

Showing itself, a monster walked out from the cover of the trees it had been aiming from, revealing a tall and lanky monster with a slightly pale orange skin, it had claws that were definitely on the dangerous side but the real deal was situated on its head or rather, was its head as from what appeared to be a human-shaped head was protruding what appeared to be a cannon, she wasn't very knowledgeable about those as they were relatively new and barely used but that's what it looked like to her.

The monster aimed at her, aiming for the center of her chest with accuracy despite its lack of eyes and proceeded to shoot its attack, without much telling that it was coming, the ball of boiling blood was shot out from a smaller distance than before, it was an issue for the ranger as she simply ran back behind the cover of the trees, she had already stayed long enough and with all of this, her job was more than complete, she had the culprit for the destruction right in front of her.

She hadn't been expecting it to be a monster but the proof were there, it was the one shooting cannonballs of boiling blood around, blood hot enough to leave burning marks were it hit.

Zig zagging through the trees, the monster had no hope of hitting her with accuracy at all and even when they found themselves in an open field, she had too much advance to be unable to avoid its attacks.

The ranger saw no way the monster could possibly get to her in any way, she would be able to lose it and make her report get her money for the job and use for whatever, the first shot had been close to ending her career but that was it, without the element of surprise or extreme close ranger, the monster would never land a strike on her.

Thinking that, she noticed that the monster had stopped its repeated shots and had instead turned around, looking at the ground, she didn't know why it was doing that but if it wasn't shooting at all then it would be even easier to escape.

In the next instant though, the monster shot again without moving at all from its current position, shooting right beneath its feet, the only thing it did was jump in place, the ranger, who saw none of that was a bit confused at why no cannonball was coming her way despite the monster shooting, she took a glance over her shoulder and only saw the crater it had left when shooting, no sign of the monsyer itself.

"Where did it-" she wondered before hearing something crashing on the ground right in front of her, turning her eyes toward the source of it and all she saw was the darkness that filled the face cannon of the monster being lit up by boiling bright blood.

It had landed at perfect distance from her to land the shot right in her face, she found herself unable to dodge it when it came out and her head and shoulders were disintegrated, causing her arms to fall apart from the rest of her body, no blood other than that of the ball was to be found as the heat cauterised her wounds.

The cannon monster looked around for a while before taking the direction the ranger had been heading toward.


"It had been quite been quite a while since that ranger went to find a clue or anything of the likes, I thought she was supposed to come back regardless of her success?" questionned a man, the person he was speaking to was about to answer but instead receiving some sort of red ball to the side of the face, blowing it up like a watermelon after being dropped from an height, the liquid that formed the ball spilled around, landing on the man's face and in his eyes, burning everything it went into contact with.

Thanks to the pain, he fell to the ground, allowing him to completely avoid the barrage of bloody cannonballs that ripped people apart and left a smell bacon in the air as it cooked them right here and there.

Still, that action only served in briefly extending his life as after nearly everyone was either dead or incapacitated, the monster stepped closer him, shattering his nape by stepping on it.

Despite the slightly ridiculous look, this venerer proved to be successful here and would later prove itself capable to complete its mission, even if it took it an extended amount of time to do so.

Don't hesitate to leave any idea in the comments!

Ready_creators' thoughts