
The abyss is a warm place

The venerer felt strangely at home in this unfamiliar place, whether it was due to true familiarity or due to the fact that it was as dark as when it didn't possess ocular vision was unknown.

After finishing off the wind-woman, the venerer started to wonder through this peculiar place, encounters with beings were rare and due to the fact that they were always entirely covered in the same darkness that filled this place, their appearance remained mysterious, it was almost as if they were one with the abyss.

Soon, the darkness of the abyss also covered the body of the venerer's, it hadn't become an abyssal, it had adapted to its environment, its adaptability had allowed the venerer to win fights it never should have won and allowed it to be as powerful as it was now.

In normal circumstances, the venerer never should have ended up in here, it was all because of its instinct to reproduce but perhaps, the venerer falling into the abyss wasn't an unfortunate event but rather another chance to grow stronger.

It's instinct to kill to grow stronger had been satiated, however it seemed like its instinct had been wrong this time, it had yet to become strong enough to be considered a true apex predator.

The years slowly passed as the venerer searched for a way out of the abyss, the world slowly came to forget its massacres, only a few scholars kept in mind the few records of the strange creature, the only person who didn't forget at all, was the man sitting in his throne, he had to do something about the venerer, it was his fault that this creature had been allowed to exist in the first place, he had learned after searching that it was the father that had sent it to this particular world, somehow the monster had managed to find its way into the father's dreams.

The man in the throne wasn't as familiar with the father as his half-siblings, unlike them, he wasn't a full blooded eldritch god, this was where he had gotten his title of Twin-blooded, born inside of a world from the union of a eldritch god and a human, the fact that he had looked exactly like human at birth was an anomaly in of itself, however, while he may have appeared as fully human, his eldritch side was still strong.

He developped a bloodlust and powers, one that allowed to come on top of all the beasts he hunted down, eventually granting him the title of the Lord Of The Hunt, people thought of him as human, thus his feats were seen as another proof of human potential and he was called a hero.

The system however, never granted him the title of hero.

In an attempt to mimic the father whom he had been able to see in his dreams after unleashing his eldritch side, the Lord Of The Hunt created a new world within the one he lived in, he did so using a painting as the way in and the way out.

Inside of this world, the people prayed to him as if he was a god and eventually, their belief became the truth, his quick ascension to godhood was once again due to his eldritch side, he already had the blood of the strongest gods coursing through his veins after all.

The Twin-blooded left his world and his followers behind, the Lord Of The Hunt had now disappeared and had become a legend.

Inside of the cosmos, he fought with other half-bred like him to win a meaningless throne, it meant nothing as the true ruler of the universe would always remain the father but at the time, the Tin-blooded was content with this prize.

However, even if the role of true ruler was unattainable to anyone, taking up the throne still meant responsibilities, the Lord Of The Hunt wished to become a beacon for other half-bred such as him to look up to.

To accomplish this task, he needed to appear more noble and less like a savage beast driven by nothing but its instincts, he thus took the decision of separating his bloodlust away from himself alongside the powers that came with it, he cut off the aspect that had made him the Lord Of The Hunt and tossed it inside the Sympan Skoupidia.

The Sympan Skoupidia was a place where everything was said to merge, it was found just beneath the body of the father, in this place, everything the father had ever dreamed of could be found, it was an place that broke the very rules of the universe, this place was one where everything was constantly destroyed and brought back.

The aspect never should have been able to reemerge from that and yet, not only did it reappear, it had become the aspect of a new monster, this monster's existence was centered around the aspect itself, all of the things found in the Sympan Skoupidia had merged with the aspect, giving birth to the venerer, the only being capable of surviving this place, the original venerer might as well be the strongest being in all of creation.

The father took notice of the new creature and it was promptly added to the dreams, the father made but a single specificity to the apparition of a venerer.

A venerer would appear if a world will started diverging from its purpose too much, how the father gauged what was 'too much' of a divergence was unknown but a world will ended up meeting the requirements and a venerer appeared.

The Lord Of The Hunt didn't know about the specificities of the father's actions and believed the venerer's apparition in a world was an anomaly.

The Twin-blooded finally stood up from his throne and headed toward the abyss of that world to face with the venerer, sensing a divinity, the eldritch god of heresy looked at him before shifting its gaze away, holiness was only acceptable if it came from an eldritch being.

The god of heresy still disliked the Twin-blooded as its holiness was closer to that from the worlds than from eldritch energy, which was why it only chuckled as it saw the Lord Of The Hunt delve into the abyss of a world to face with a venerer.

Was he really thinking that he could defeat a being centered around the strength he had given up? The only reason the venerer hadn't devoured all of life yet was the restrictions the system had put on it, such restrictions are out of the window if a god comes to face it personally.

The eldritch god of heresy laughed and so did εποικιστής.
