
Trials of the Last Human King (1)

Afterward, he took out a small Steel Emblem for the Steel Trial from his Dimensional storage before he looked at Yvraine.

"Wait for me here, I will be undergoing two trials, so I would suggest making yourself comfortable with some nice book."

Samiel said as she scoffed at him, but nevertheless, she nodded her head in agreement and took out some Grimoire for her to study while Samiel entered the Tomb, which already recognized his fake aura signature as the potential inheritor of the Last Human King and allowed him to enter the premises.

"Just don't take too long... I already want to go to the Zephystrand so we can have a nice time for ourselves."

He heard Yvraine said as he promised her internally that he would try to complete the Trials as fast as possible... maybe he would also get some nice reward at a later date from her...
