
Chapter 38

Hearing Yui's words, Asuna, Lisbeth and Scilica started towards Yui and started to hug her while trying to calm her down.

"Does Yui deserve to be happy?" Yui said to them.

"Of course Yui-chan, why are you talking like that?" asked Asuna.

"Because Yui is a system that actually has to help deal with the mental health of players who enter this game. But until now, Yui can only pay attention to them without being able to help all of them" said Yui.

"Yui is very lonely in that place. Yui just watched everyone from inside the dark place and watched them get killed one by one. But after seeing the four of you, Yui seemed to really want to be with you and here is Yui, a little child who is very happy to spend time with you .but does Yui deserve this treatment?" he continued.

Hearing this the three women started to let go of their embrace and tried to refute all of Yui's previous words and try to calm her down.

"But, Yui is just a system. Yui can't do what Yui wants and a system just has to follow rules it has to follow." he replied.

Hearing this Zen who had been silent all this time started to move towards Yui and put his hand on his head.

"Yui is not a system. Yui is Yui, a cute girl and a little angel in our life. So Yui can do whatever Yui wants, because once again Yui is not a system but the child of your Papa and Mama - your papa" said Zen while stroking Yui's head.

Hearing this Yui started to cry, her tears were now running down very profusely down her cheeks. Zen who was currently stroking Yui's head only allowed the crying Yui to let out what she had been holding in her mind all this time.

Not only Yui, the three women in Zen's group also cried because they were very sad about what Yui had experienced so far.

"So what does Yui want?" asked Zen after seeing Yui who had calmed down.

Hearing this Yui started to wipe away the tears that were running down her cheeks and smiled.

"Zen Papa, Asuna Mama, Lisbteh Mama, Silica Mama, can Yui be with you, spend time with you and have fun with you?" Yui said with a smile etched on her cute face with a tear at the corner of her eye.

Hearing this Asuna, Lisbeth and Silica immediately hugged Yui. Zen himself who was still in front of Yui was forced to join them in their arms and Zen began to follow their treatment of Yui.

"Yui will always be with us, so Yui doesn't have to worry" said Asuna.

"Okay Papa, Mama" said Yui.

They all finally let go of their hugs from each other after they had enjoyed the moment of their togetherness for a very long time.

"Okay what should we do now?" ask Zen


[Time Skip]


"Papa Wake up. Not today Papa will follow Nishida-san fishing today" said Yui who was currently next to Zen's bed trying to wake him up.

"Huaammmm... Good Morning Yui" replied Zen who woke up from Yui's actions.

"Hurry up Papa, Yui can't wait to go there" he said next.

"Alright - alright" Zen said and started to leave the place.

It had been two days since Yui had regained her memory. And it has been two days he has lived his days very happily. For the past two days Zen and the rest of his group have always been playing together with Yui.

Yui's laughter could be heard filling the residence for the past two days. Especially because of his very cute behavior, everyone who lives in this house is very happy to spend time with him.

By now Yui was on Zen's back and was preparing to head to the lake where they would try to lure a monster.

"Come on Asuna Mama, Lisbeth Mama, Silica Mama, hurry up a bit" she said on Zen's back.

"Alright – alright" answered Asuna walking towards the two of them with Lisbeth and Scilica.

"Let's Go" said Yui.

The five of them finally started towards the place where the fishing would be held. They were very surprised after arriving there, because many people were already here.

"Ah good morning Zen-kun, Yui-chan." Said the middle-aged man who invited Zen two days ago.

"Morning Uncle / Nishida-san" they both replied.

"Are you ready Zen-san" said the man and Zen nodded back.

Finally the event started with an opening speech by Nishida and announcing the actual event they would be doing for now.

Zen then put Yui down and told her to stay with her mother. Zen then headed towards the man and prepared to try fishing for the monster. The man had already thrown the bait into the lake and was now waiting for the bait to be placed for now.

The audience here had calmed down as if they were also trying not to disturb the middle-aged man's concentration. Then suddenly the bait they gave earlier had been eaten.

The man's rod was already very curved and immediately passed it to Zen.

"Hyaaaaaa" Zen shouted with all his might pulling the rod.

But unfortunately the monster they caught earlier was an amphibious monster and immediately ran towards the players who were watching this event. Everyone started scattering trying to escape.

Asuna who saw this just tried to get her two comrades to guard Yui and took out her weapon and attacked the monster.

Cheers erupted everywhere after Asuna defeated the monster, even Nishida and Zen who were actually the stars of the show were ignored by the players present.

"Wow.. Asuna Mama is really strong" said Yui who started clapping her hands.

But their excitement didn't last long after they got a message from the takeover group.



Zen, Asuna, Lisbeth and Silica were now looking at a girl in front of her who was eating her dinner very voraciously. They were currently just enjoying this moment, as it was their last moment before Yui left them.

"Be careful eating Yui" said Asuna who was next to her.

Hearing this Yui just smiled and went back to eating her food.

When Yui had finished all her food, she was very confused by what she was seeing right now. Now his mother and father were looking at him with sad eyes.

"Father mother?" he said.

"Yui can you follow Papa?"
