
Chapter 29 Lisbeth

A month had already passed when Zen got his dual sword fighting style. Zen was actually going to make a weapon for the second sword, but he still didn't have the time to do it.

First, Zen was still following the takeover group to defeat the floor boss, and second was his promise to Asuna to marry him in this game.

Their marriage took place quickly, because unlike in the real world, they just went to a church and then they were officially married. Even so, Asuna was very happy.

The news of their marriage spread quickly, because the two strongest players who belonged to the same group ended up getting married. This news made a lot of male players very jealous of a person named Zen.

Unlike Asuna, who often wanders around so that many people seem to recognize her, Zen himself continues to focus on becoming strong by going to dungeons and defeating several monsters. Only the takeover group knows what Zen really looks like.

Hearing the rumors on the street saying Zen was very lucky to marry Asuna, Zen just smiled. Because the fact that he was very lucky was indeed true according to him.

On the other hand Silica was witnessing their marriage, Silica actually felt a little jealous, but she was still very happy for the two of them.

Silica herself had officially joined Zen and Asuna's activities but Silica was still not allowed to join them against the floor boss first. Even though his strength isn't as strong as Zen and Asuna's, but his fighting skills and his pets, can make up for his shortcomings when with the two of them.

They were currently in the Coral area, which was on the 22nd floor, the floor where Asuna and Kirito lived in the anime. Zen bought a house in this area, because he thought this area was very beautiful and very good to live in.

The three of them finally started living here, and decided that this place would be both their home and their group's headquarters.

"Morning Asuna" Zen said leaning on his bed and watching Asuna slowly wake up from her sleep.

"Good morning Zen" Asuna replied with a smile.

Zen and Asuna lived in the same room in this house, while Sillica had her own room which was right next to theirs.

"Where are you going today Zen?" asked Asuna, because Zen said he might be out for a while the next day when they had dinner last night.

"Maybe I'll make a weapon for the fighting style I got earlier" said Zen

Zen had already told Asuna and Sillica his two-sword fighting style and told them to keep it a secret until he had the weapons to use that fighting style.

"What if you made it for my friend?" said Asuna who immediately got up and leaned her head against Zen's chest while hugging him.

"Your friend huh.... Well where do I find him?" asked Zen.

"Really" Asuna said as she started to walk away.

"Patience I will contact him first" Asuna said

"Okay" replied Zen

Then Asuna started to open her friends menu and contacted her best friend.

"He said he can help you, you just have to go to the weapon shop" Asuna said after she finished asking her best friend.

"Okay, where's the weapon shop?" asked Zen then.

"It's in the Lindarth area, on the 44th Floor where we used to live, and the name of the shop is Lisbeth Smith Shop" Asuna explained.

"Okay," said Zen.



Right now Zen was in front of the teleport gate on the 44th floor, this place was not so foreign to Zen, because this place was the place where Zen and Asuna had lived. And this is where Asuna met her best friend Lisbeth.

Right now Zen is heading straight for his destination which is Lisbeth's Smith Shop. It's not too difficult to find the place because this weapon shop is quite famous. Finally Zen arrived at a weapons shop with a waterwheel next to the building.

After confirming that the shop was open, Zen went straight in. There was a chime on the door as Zen entered the Weapon shop.

"Welcome to Lisbeth's weapon shop, can you wait a moment" said a pink-haired woman who greeted Zen and told him to wait because he was still serving a customer. That woman was Asuna's best friend Lisbeth.

"No wonder this shop is quite famous," said Zen because in this shop many weapons, armor and so on are displayed.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" said the pink haired woman greeting Zen after her business with the previous customer was over.

"Can I help you?" he said Next.

"Ah.... I want to make a weapon" said Zen

But Lisbeth caught a glimpse of Zen's appearance and looked down on him for a moment.

Zen is currently not wearing his combat suit, was just a casual suit with light armor he was wearing.

"Is this guy able to pay the fee, maybe he thinks because he's handsome, he's going to tease me and ask me to make a weapon." Lisbeth said in her heart.

"I'm sorry, but right now the price of raw materials is very expensive because it's so hard to find materials these days." Lisbeth said then in a friendly voice, hiding the thoughts she had been thinking.

"I have no problem with the price, as long as it fits what I need" Zen replied

"But in order to forge a special weapon, I have to know what type of weapon I want" Lisbeth replied.

"Ahh... wait a minute" Zen said then opened his storage menu and took out a black sword.

"Probably something like or better than this" Zen said as he handed over his sword.

Yes, that sword is Elucidator, a sword from the drop boss that Zen got when he defeated the 50th floor boss.

After seeing and researching the sword that Zen had given her, Lisbeth then took a sword that she thought was the best from its place and handed it to Zen.

Zen took the sword and examined it. It was indeed a very good sword, but when compared to Elucidator, it was still far below it.

"But I want the equivalent or more of my sword" Zen replied after trying the sword Lisbeth had given him.

"But I think that sword is very suitable for you" said Lisbeth

"May I test?" asked Zen who was a little annoyed and wanted to do an experiment like Kirito in the anime.

"Test??" Lisbeth answered confused.

Then Zen took his sword and attacked his sword using the sword Lisbeth had given him.

And as a result the sword that Lisbeth had given him shattered into pieces, because Zen used all his strength to attack his sword.

Seeing this Lisbeth was furious and asked her why he did that.
