
Chapter 96: Why did it turn out like this

"Aagrrrrggg" the woman groaned as she raised her upper body she held her head for a few seconds and then realized she should be in the ocean

She immediately looked around and she knew she was inside a ship since she could hear the muffled waves of the water. Then suddenly the door opened a woman saw her awake.

"Oh your awake, put on some clothes then come out so we can all eat," the woman said coldly before closing the door again

She didn't even let her speak so she changed her clothes she saw the ripped white dress hanging on a chair. Her eyes darken and twisted the knob of the door.

"Ahaha as if I'll let you"

"Oh come on just this once"

"Not a chance"

"Ahahahha I won"

What greeted her was laughter and the wonderful smell of food that can make one drool.

"Oh, Master the guest is awake" Ilna reported

The woman looked in the direction where she shouted and saw a person wearing a man's cloth with his eyes covered in cloth.

Lu Xie jumped down from her spot.

"Axie, catch me" Calis suddenly said as she jumped down

Lu Xie subconsciously catches her in a princess carry.


She successfully catches her and sighed in relief before looking at her.

"What do you think you're doing? What if you get hurt you stubborn mermaid" Lu Xie said angrily

Calis just smiled at her, then she was put down she had been practicing moving her legs since she used her magic to create legs for her.

Seeing her just smiling, Lu Xie ignore her but still guided her and made her sit on the chair.

Before looking at the woman in front of her, who she rescued earlier.

"I thought you were going to be asleep for a day but it seems you're a light sleeper," Lu Xie said

The woman nodded "Thank you for saving me. But can I please make a request?" she asked coldly her eyes were cold and indifferent

"Hmm, what kind of favor?" Lu Xie crossed her arms on her chest

"Please help me rescue my mates and I'll give you all my treasures" she answered

Lu Xie sighed "First of all, I'm not interested in your treasures I'm richer than you. Secondly, aren't you a pirate? Lastly, what's your name?" she said

"My name is Nian and as you said I'm a pirate if you are interested then I'll do anything you want as long as you save my mates please" Nian bowed her head for the first time in her life

She doesn't care about her pride her mates are more important than her pride, and they have been with her through thick and thin. She couldn't possibly give up on them.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Lu Xie asked

"Someone I trusted betrayed us and now my mates are heading to the Hungarian kingdom as of now," Nian said not getting into all the details

"The Hungarian kingdom again," Lu Xie said pissed she was now getting irritated by this repeated kingdom

First, they sell and kidnap young women in the Oriel kingdom, now they are targetting pirates. But thinking about pirates aren't they also bad?

"Your Nian the captain of the Fiery Skull Pirate, known as the Cold-Blooded Pirate Queen. They are famous for raiding merchant's and noble's ships" Calis said

Lu Xie listened and frowned then looked at the woman in front of her.

"Hmm, how high is her reward?"

"About 20 million berries" Calis answered

"Oh," Lu Xie said nonchalantly

"Please I'm begging you just save my mates and I'll give you my head" Nian knelt down

"Woah there, stand up I didn't say were not going to help you" Lu Xie rub her face lightly

Nian looked at the person in front of her with mixed emotions

"So where is this Hungarian kingdom you speak of" Lu Cie asked

Nian stood up from the floor "It's west north from here" she said seriously

Lu Xie looked at Ilna "GIGI, SET COURSE TO WEST NORTH" she shouted

"Aye" Gig turned the wheel

" FULL SPEED AHEAD!!" Ilna said

The sails all dropped down and some of the crew also used magic to blow wind on the sails

"Thank you" Nian bowed about 90 degrees

"It's fine I want also want to see this kingdom if it's as good as mine," Lu Xie said

"Master, your kingdom is far more beautiful and rich than this trash kingdoms" Gigi shouted from the wheel

"She's right master, not only is our technology and economy advanced we also have large amounts of treasure" Ilna added

Calis, Mana, and Nian were shocked to hear the things she had, that's why she was never interested in wealth and power since she already have those.

"Hmm, I know but this Hungarian kingdom seems to be promising. GIGI LET'S SPEED UP I'M KIND OF EXCITED ABOUT THIS KINGDOM" Lu Xie ordered

"AYE AYE MASTER" Gigi responded she then pulled a lever near the stirring wheel.

The ships suddenly move faster like a cannonball when fired, the crew stood in their places while the others stumbled to keep their balance.

Lu Xie created a lead that wrapped around their waist and stabilized their balance while holding the end of the lead.

"Be careful" she said softly smiling excitedly

Her hair fluttered in the wind and her face showed excitement.

Calis, Mana, and Nian all looked at her smile they seem to be inflicted by it and also smiled. It was the first time it felt so free and relaxing.


"WHAT KIND OF KINGDOM IS THIS? I THOUGHT IT WAS COOL BUT THIS???" Lu Xie shouted in disappointment

The Hungarian kingdom was a small country that had maybe around 5,000 people or so. But they were feared by another kingdom.

Is it because the other kingdoms were low in population that they feared the Hungarian kingdom for having only a freaking 5,000 people.

"Master, the population is low. What could the other kingdom fear them for?" Ilna said beside her

"*sigh* What a disappointment. Our people's population is much larger than this and yet they are scared" Lu Xie frowned

"Because each kingdom only has around 200 or 300 people on their territory. Any kingdom whose population is higher is stronger" Mana explained

"But that doesn't mean the people also can't be stronger, they have magic if they trained it properly they can wipe out an entire village all by themselves," Lu Xie said lightly

Mana was stunned, yes she had magic but wiping a village alone is impossible yet she said calmly and confidently.

"Master, magic is not well develop in this time so they are weaker and ignorant about how to properly used it" Ilna said

Lu Xie nodded and lost interest in this kingdom.

"Ilna gather some people to infiltrate the base to rescue her mates, I'll just rest here for a while" Lu Xie said lazily

"Okay" Ilna nodded and then gathered, people about 10 of them all wearing black outfits from head to toe

"Wait let me come with you," Nian said

Ilna looked at her master "Let her" Lu Xie said before closing her eyes

Ilna handed her the clothes "Change into this and you're off to go" she said before turning her attention to the others

Nian hurriedly changed her clothes inside the room.

The ship was a bit far from the kingdom and used illusion to conceal the ship.

All 11 people are now gathered in a circle "Well then of you go" Ilna waved her hand and the circle beneath them shone before disappearing


Nian and the others were summoned near a small forest.

"Let's go, do you know where they kept prisoners?" A man asked Nian

Nian shook her head.

"Then lets the go ask," a woman said before Nian could stop her

The woman had already walked up to a man, her black clothes suddenly disappear and were changed into a new ones.

'When did she change?' she thought unbelievable

They spoke for a few minutes before the man passed out on his own.

"They are the south part of the island," the woman said

"Then let's go, I'm eager to go home" the man said

They all run through the forest avoiding soldiers and villagers. Nian was stunned by their teamwork and coordination.

They reached the prison immediately, the prison was like a barn it was made of wood. The only thing this steel is the chains and bars.

"Is this Hungarian people doesn't know that wood can easily break and they can escape" the man mocked

"I also don't know" the woman shrugged her shoulder

"You guys know what to do" the man sighed

"Yes" the others replied

Nian was confused when suddenly she got pulled and flew into the sky. The woman who pulled her slowly glided down they infiltrated the prison without being discovered.

Nian was really impressed by their skills.
