
173: The tasks are never over [pt2]

"So, can I ask you another question? When will you both be holding that Royal Wedding? The public is anticipating your union for a long time."

The reporter looked at the Royal pair with shining eyes. He was not the only one who was looking forward to getting a simple answer. 

All the other reporters and even the nobility looked forward to getting an answer. It had been a long time since such a peaceful party had been held in the Royal Palace.

It was just a shame that the Dirac sibling pair was not here for now. They were the true targets of the reporters and the nobles. But the royal pair was a good second prize as well. Especially with the temple advertising their wedding plans.

"W-Wedding? That is not going to happen. We are just engaged for a year because of personal reasons. It has nothing to do with both of us liking each other."
