
Creed Headquarters

Eventually, Home Alone has been declared offline in North American theaters.

It grossed 292.4 million dollars and made it the biggest winner among the 1988 movie releases.

The unconventional live-action plus animated feature 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' was in second.

Followed by Eddie Murphy's African American-powered Prince Charming finding Cinderella story 'Coming to America'.

Further amidst the top 10 is the action movie that propelled Bruce Willis among the ranks of Stallone and Schwarzenneger is Die Hard.

The overseas champion is yet to be finalized but Home Alone has already locked in a tally of 192.8 million dollars. Reaching that amount amongst the currency fluctuations of the many countries is a hard-earned reward.

Creed Distributions' overseas branches must have worked pretty hard. Sullivan had ordered up loans that is enough to offset profits and overseas publicity for the film.

The old man was just gunning for a total box office of 50 million dollars for the movie yet a nearly ten times underestimation was a happy thing. Alexander was guessing that his grandfather had troubled sleeping patterns with being overly happy, being awake in the middle of the night cackling like the Joker.

If Alexander's approximation was correct, his version of Home Alone has already surpassed Culkin's Home Alone from the previous timeline.

The record for the highest-grossing live-action comedy movie is already booked 2 years ahead of time.

If the 4 sequels work out well, playing second fiddle wouldn't be too bad. It isn't that Alexander is disparaging the sequels. It was just clear that repeating the near half a billion-dollar miracle is a great improbability.

However, the visible downturn in the box office drive of 1989 and the previous Home Alone dominance in 1990 might just surprise him.


January 30 came just in time as usual and Alexander Creed has now turned 12. A celebration was in order but it wasn't too grand.

He was still fearful of the celebrity craze and the fact that the crazies might stampede into their house.

With a little gathering of familiar faces for lunch, the party was over and the Creed duo took a long drive after everyone was gone.

Alexander had no clue where they were going but he had some guesses.


Burbank, Los Angeles, California

"Alright, Alex! Here we are." Sullivan gestured as the both of them got out of the car.

In Alexander's view was a four-story building with each floor enough to hold 3 midsize 7/11 stores.

The wear and tear on the exterior paint were clear but the solidity and stability of the building were still clear to see.

There were no letterings or signs on the building but he was sure that it was the designated headquarters of Creed Films and Distributions.

"Happy Birthday Again, Alex. And welcome to Creed HQ!"

Sure enough with Sullivan's introduction, everything became clear.

"Everyone's pretty much settled in and the stuff had already been transferred, so shall we take a short tour to a place of wonder."

Alexander just shrugged at his grandfather's overt showmanship and followed along.

Entering through the main door, the duo was quick to reach the first floor. After Sullivan's quick introduction, the 24 or so men and women on this floor are the central hub for the offline version of Creed Distributions.

It may be because of real work or the boss' presence but everyone was pretty busy.

Home Alone being offline from the theaters wasn't the end of money-raking as videotapes, posters, and brand negotiations are still in order.

The videotape sector is not much of a worry for these people as they are masters of it. This time around, the videotapes they were distributing weren't designated at hidden corners or under the secret counters but in the comedy section.

Home Alone's rewatchability in the theaters will now be shown on the rental and sales market of stores like Blockbuster and the like.

These people were also the ones in charge of television auctions and negotiations that would let Home Alone broadcast on regular television channels.

Posters were only a small portion of the peripheral earnings but the brand negotiations were much more profitable.

T-shirts and materials printing of Alexander or Kevin's gasp face would bring substantial profit from optional clearance and sales dividends.

Some toy companies even asked to pay for authorization to make Kevin McAllister dolls.

Alexander, himself, could take on personal advertisements but he declined it all. It wasn't because the million-dollar checks were low but he wanted to stop the craze at his school and neighborhood.

If he was to appear in an advertisement, his schoolmates would go question him with frenzy.


The duo then proceeded to the second floor where the people on it would be in charge of propaganda, market research, and negotiating with theaters.

These people loads had lightened with Home Alone being offline but they still had to busy themselves with coping with the overseas and state branches.

Phones and faxes were working nonstop with the current state of things.

The two bottom floors consist of the top food chain industry that many small film companies are envious of. It was a complete film distribution company that surpassed the capability of the bottom majors and mid-level companies.

Creed Distributions' sudden emergence came as a shock to industry insiders and made them know of the brilliance of Sullivan Creed and his machinations


The third floor is the production management branch and the office that designates for Creed Films.

They are the ones involved with all the legal matters involving copyright, music, and negotiations.

They are also the people that would be responsible for hiring production crews and renting studios and whatnot for the production of a film.

The free and discounted production that the Home Alone series used was gone and the officialness of everything has hiked up the price.

There were only about a few people in this production company but that is because they were screened by Sullivan to follow the same business creed that their grandfather and grandson duo has.

To produce films. They must be straightforward with cost control, budget management, film quality, and perfect scheduling.

A lot of these people were bumped up from the Home Alone crew.

The five assistant directors which made the 5 Home Alone movies possible were senior leaders in these departments.

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

UniVerseLessOnecreators' thoughts