
Deviant Emotions

He could tell that Happy dreaded to open the file by his profuse sweating, trembling hands and his perplexity as if he was in a dilemma. He was about to say that he could watch the video by himself if it was uncomfortable for him, but before he could utter his first word, Happy took in a deep breath before hitting the play button.

Li Yang instantly suck in a deep breath, his anxiety kicking in, hitting on a all time high level as he focused on the video which apparently held an answer about the current predicament of his best friend.

The video started with a man in white lab coat reciting words on the paper in his hands monotonously- "Day 500. It's been 500 days since the initiation of our project 'THE COLOSSUS'. But so far there is not a single survivor in the previous batches of the subjects. Our boss however has assigned a new subject to us to give a new direction on this project. We hope that we will get some positive results this time."
