
Cute little brother

Inside a certain base at the outskirts of city Andville, a booming voice could be heard as a young man was strolling along the corridors of the majestic building. "It's so awesome. I can't believe that it was built by our men within such short period of time. I am impressed. But not better than my siblings and me. We still are the best for coming with this design for the base. We are so cool." Alex said as he looked around the base with his sister.

Rain shook her head dotingly, 'This narcissist dummy. He is always able to drag me and Zed into his narcissist praises.'

Rain pulled her brother's ear as she dragged Alex towards the second floor where his working area was established. "You dummy, you have been strolling around the training grounds for half of the day already. How many times more are you going to go over it again. Come with me to your laboratory and see if it needs any changes."
