
Hard landing

"This is Apollo one to portal command we are ready and awaiting for instructions."

"Apollo one this is command, you got a lot of people watching you.. so please don't fuck this up."

"Understood sir, we are awaiting portal activation."

"Roger that prepare for activation."

Multiple keys were turned at that second, green lights flicked on and a blast sealed hatch covering a button opened up.

The commander looks through the glass at Apollo one.

"Good luck Apollo, this will probably be the last you hear from us for a couple weeks, until we send more ships through that is."

"Understood sir, Apollo out."

Transmission is cut and the command hits the button, all of a suddenly the portal springs to life, as Tesla coil's spring to life and A purpleish blue portal starts to form, Apollo ones thrusters light up and they slowly go through until they are no longer seen.

"Good luck Apollo, I have a feeling you will need it."

With those final words the shutdown is initiated and the portal goes silent.





"Uggggg bro I thought this shut would be fun man, you know jointing the core getting to see new worlds, but fuck man all we have seen is a couple gas Giants in some small rock like planets."

As your friend continues to complain you can't help but look out in the distance of space.

"Well my friend, we are getting close to this systems star so we should be getting closer to the more habitual zone," You respond.

"Hmph habitual zone my ass, why are you so positive about this echo?" They ask.

"Hmm, well Lance maybe it's because i really want to see some hot alien chicks, and if we find a habitual planet the higher the chance we find some," I respond with a smirk on my face.

"Lance?" I turn over to look at him

"Well echo you might get your chance," he responds while pointing his finger at something in the distance.

I turn around and see it, a magnificent plant technically two but one is so destroyed you can't even tell it's a planet while the other one looks so Beautiful, even from Afar you can see how green it is, with streaks of blue and the occasional yellow with a singular moon next to it.

"It's gorgeous," Lance mumbles.

"It's prettier then earth, absolutely no pollution or destruction of massive nature to be seen."

"We should probably head to the armory to get geared up," Lance mumbles.

"Yeah yeah your right," I say.

We both rip our eyes away from the planet and sprint down the hallways, making it to the armory.

"Holly shit did you guys see it to?"

"Yeah I know man it was fucking Beautiful."

"Think we will see any natives?"

"Only if god decided to bestow intelligent life in this planet."

Before before the chitchat can continue between the marines and scientists a loud whistle is heard, a large burley man steps onto a container.

"Alright Marines and the lovely little scientists, I know you all are excited, but remember, this is a new planet, we have no idea what could be there and if it's hostile, remember stick to your team and most of you will get home safe and sound, I will be now handing over the stage to senior Field research specialist miss Alice rosewood," he says waving an over exaggerated hand to her.

She simply gives him a nod and walks up in front of us.

"Alright then to set things straight and simple for you old time crayon eaters," this brings a round of laughter from some of the older Marines, "don't touch anything glowing, any plants that look even remotely bad in anyway, and if you see wildlife, do not attack it unless it rushes at you in a threatening manner, we don't need someone to do from some kind of mutant plant, then again you all have big boy armor so you all should be fine," she finishes giving us a bright smile.

"Alright gear up marines and get to your drop pods, we are heading down."

"Yes sir!"

Running to the Nearest drop pod, I attach my modified vector to the rifle rack by my arm.

"This is hunter one, ready for departure over," I say quickly while hitting a view buttons to start the launch sequence.

"This is hunter two ready to kick as-" all of a suddenly a bright light from the moon near the planet rapidly approaches the ship until it hits us

"This is the captain, we were hit by an unknown energy weapon on the eastern side of the moon, engines are failing and we're about to lose power, all pods that are currently ready to launch you need to launch now."

After hearing that another explosion goes off next to my pod automatically sending me down before I can set the course.

"Fuck this is hunter one I've been ejected before I can set course.. anyone copy ove-" another explosion above me and as I look up I see the ship being ripped in two by the projectile.

"Well fuck my biscuits," as I hit atmosphere I look around to see where I'm landing, "well I'm landing in a Field, got forests north as well as the Drop point, I'm really screwed aren't I and I'm talking to myself well this has gone wonderfully."

" brace for impact," an AI voice says.

"Well even I don't need you to tell me that-" and then the pod hits the ground, and I black out.

Hey guys, first Actual chapter in a while so yeah sorry if it's bad.

Newhaven425creators' thoughts