
Family Time II

"Yay!!!" They all shout together drawing the attention of Sofia and M'rissi.

"What is going on, Fluffy?" M'rissi asks with interest.

"Yeah, where're we goin', Silvy?" Sofia asks.

"Just a ways down the road to Falkreath. Got a little business to take care of and thought it'd be a nice day trip for the kids. You're welcome to come." I say, offering them a chance to tag along.

"Sounds like fun, Silvy. Count me in." Sofia agrees running off to quickly grab her bag.

"She will be happy to join you, Fluffy!" M'rissi exclaims happily entwining her arm with mine.

"Can I ride your shoulders, papa?" Sofie asks.

"I want to ride your shoulders too!" Lucia shouts.

"But I asked first." Sofie argues back, quiet as a mouse.

"Sofie asked first, Lucia. So you can ride my shoulders on the way back from Falkreath. Now come up here." I say, picking up Sofie and placing her on my shoulders.

"I'm back, ooh~ Silvy you sly dog. Having a lady on each arm." Sofia says with a smirk.

"What do you mean? My left arm is fre-" I start to argue but she then wraps her arm around it. Cutting me off and making me roll my eyes at her childishness.

Kasia takes Aventus and Lucia's hands in her's and we all walk happily to Falkreath. Chatting, pleasantly passing the hours till we entered the mist-filled Falkreath. Which seems to have doubled in size, as a number of homes and stalls separate the various points of interest, but still holding the heart of the town is the massive graveyard, filled with tombstones, and now a number of medium-sized stone mausoleums. And the graveyard seems to be the size of one of the vast farm fields now outside of Whiterun.

"Alright, down you go." I say, breaking free from M'rissi and Sofia's grasp to set down Sofie.

"Alrighty, girls. I've got some business to handle with Kasia, so I need you to watch the kids while we take care of it." I tell them.

"You can count on her, Fluffy!" M'rissi says confidently.

"And you can count on me more than Whiskers!" Sofia cockily says.

"Who asked you?! Because she certainly did not!" M'rissi argues back.

And it's then I decide to slip away with Kasia to avoid further delay.

We entered the store, Grey Pine Goods, with Solaf there manning the counter.

"Hale, Thane. What brings you to my shop?" Solaf calls amicably to me.

"Nothing at the moment, just getting my steward here familiar with the best, most reputable merchant in all of the Hold." I say with a smile eliciting a slight chuckle from him.

"Alright, enough with the pleasantries, is there seriously nothing you need?" Solaf asks as he starts to take inventory of what's displayed on his counter.

"Not right now, but we'll be needing some common building materials. Glass, straw, iron, goat horns, and things like that. Going to be a big project, but no real rush, so just keep an eye out for these items when you refill your stock. In exchange, we'll trade you some of our goods at a fair price." I tell him.

"You've got my attention, but what goods will you be making?" Solaf asks with interest.

"Farm goods for now, but we plan to produce more later. Potions, enchanted items, leather goods, cloth." I explain listing off the goods I plan to start producing.

"You've had my attention, now you've got my interest. Aye, I'll look out for what you need my Thane. You sure nothing here catches your eye? Maybe something for a lady friend?" Solaf says motioning towards the jewelry section of his wares.

"No, I've actually got to get going. Got some business to discuss with your brother." I say as I start to head out.

"Well, good luck. He's not too fond of provincials." Solaf warns as we leave.

"Provincials?" Kasia asks me once we walk outside of the store.

"Nice word for outsiders. Most Nords are alright, but the 'True' sons and daughters have a deep distrust and borderline hatred for the other races. Especially the beast and mer races." I explain to her as we head toward the lumber mill.

"That's terrible! Why can't we all just get along? It makes me so frustrated that there are people like that out there." Kasia tells me in a fit of anger.

"Don't mind them, Kasia. They aren't worth your time. Speaking of which…" I say as I see Bolund hauling a timber log off a pile and over to be sawed.

"Bolund! I've come to speak to you." I shout to him causing him to turn and look me up and down.

"What do you want, long tooth?" Bolund asks with barely contained disgust.

"Just a chance to give you the opportunity of a lifetime." I say as I resist the urge to punch him in the face… Especially since his hard head would be more likely to hurt my hand while in this state.

"Hmph, like I'd trust you. Either buy some lumber or get out of my sight." Bolund says dismissively causing me to grit my teeth before taking a deep breath.

"Is that any way to treat a hero of the Stormcloaks?" I say trying to draw him in.

"Yeah right, can't be too heroic if I haven't heard of ya. Now get out of my sight before I teach you a lesson about impersonating a true son of Skyrim!" Bolund retorts in anger.

"I swear on Talos, that I saved Ulfric from the dragon attack on Helgan. If it wasn't for me he'd either be lizard food or beheaded by that bastard Imperial, General Tullius, like I'd have been." I tell Bolund which makes him pause in thought.

"My brother served with the Stormcloaks… If you saved Ulfric from the headsmen's block as you've claimed, you must know his right-hand man?" Bolund says trying to quiz me.

"Yeah, I know Ralof, stayed with his sister in Riverwood after getting out of Helgen." I answer him bringing a smile to his face.

"Didn't expect a long tooth like you to stand on the righteous side of this war, but a capable warrior is always welcome. What business did you have with me?" Bolund asks, finally changing his tune.

Here’s all my links. Thanks for reading my work and if you can check out my YouTube Channel.





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