
New Me, New Family VI

I wake up surrounded by my victims and I'm slightly taken aback as I see a faint light from the morning sun flowing into the entrance of the tunnel. The memories of the fight come to me in a sporadic blur.

"Ah… Fuck…" I say getting off the ground as I stretch and pop my joints.

I move over to a small pool of water in the corner of the cave to wash the blood off my body before taking stock of the loot.

I take their vampiric armor and the strange sword that Morvarth wielded against me.

I feel the sword sting my hand as I pick it up by the handle and bare through the pain to store it in my inventory space.

After stripping everything of value off of them I pile the bodies together and cover them in a quick torrent of flame burning them to ash.

Before collecting as much of the ash as I can in a tightly woven burlap sack to experiment with later.

"Am I seriously this bad of a loot goblin... I might need some help... Not that there are therapists in this world... I should consider finding someone to do that for the group." I say to myself completely disregarding my earlier train of thought, as being a loot goblin is nothing but a blessing with zero drawbacks.

I gather up the loot and coins which total 629 septims and leave the cave and head back towards Morthal.

The journey back is far less eventful than what happened last night, as I approach the town I see Benor and Jenassa rush toward me.

"Commander! You're alright!" Benor exclaims in shock.

"Sera, I was concerned you had been felled by that vampire." Jenassa says with mild concern.

"Damn right I am! What in Oblivion happened to you? Weren't you supposed to be watching Alva?" I ask Benor as I approach before I notice the blood on the side of his head.

"Sorry Commander, I looked away from her for a moment while going between buildings, and I lost her. Next thing I knew, Jenassa here, was running into town shouting about Morvarth, waking me up with this pounding headache." Benor says, motioning towards his head wound which has been patched up.

"I wasn't shouting, simply loudly exclaiming the dangers of the ancient vampire on the edge of town." Jenassa says dismissively.

"I see, well, let's go speak with the Jarl and gather Falion, before heading back to the Tower." I tell them as I head towards the Jarl's Hall as they nod silently before falling in line behind me.

We enter the Hall, much to the surprise of the Steward and Housecarl, as Idgrod stares at me with that piercing gaze of her's before she gives a knowing smile.

"You contain so many secrets Far-walker... Even I did not see the beast you hold within. I hope you keep a firm hold on its leash for everyone's sake." Idgrod says with a knowing look before continuing, "I guess the deed is done and Morvarth lies slain?"

"Yes, Jarl Idgrod. I slew him personally." I say giving her a nod.

"Good, then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Morthal, granting you the right to purchase land in this hold. And for your efforts slaying the foe that has haunted this town for a century, I award you this small sum and your personal housecarl. Vladimar, step forward and recognize your Thane." Idgrod says, motioning for her husband and Steward to hand over a pouch of 500 septims and for a middle-aged Nord in light armor, with a mace, to step forward.

"Long life to you my Thane." Vladimar says with a slight nod.

I nod back before turning to Idgrod, "Thank you for the title and the reward, Jarl. I look forward to meeting once more after I've gained your pledge."

"Hmmm… We will see, Mercenary Captain… We will see…" Idgrod says ominously before dismissing me with a wave of her hand.

'Damn... I should really be taking notes on how to act like an oracle.' I think to myself before leaving the Hall.

"Alright let's go get Falion...." I say before realizing something. "Um... Who knows where he actually lives?" I say turning to Benor and Vladimar.

"Um... Sorry, Commander. Ain't got a clue." Benor says with a shrug.

"No, my Thane." Vladimar says with little expression.

"Sorry, Sera. I didn't scout out the area that thoroughly, prior." Jenassa says.

"Well, shit... Might as well start with the tavern?" I suggest, heading towards the inn to get a drink after the night I had.

Going inside I see a redguard woman and another orc, but this one is in slightly more done-up commoner's clothes and is terribly strumming a lute.

"Excuse me, Miss. I'm looking for Falion. Do you know where his house is? And could you get me an ale?" I ask setting myself down on a stool.

"What do you need my brother for?" The woman asks in shock.

'Wait? She's his sister? I guess I never really explored the town all that much… It is Mortal after all, not much to do except the thaneship and killing that awful excuse for a bard.' I think to myself before asking.

"Oh? I didn't know Falion had a sister? I'm Silvantus, and I've recently recruited him as an instructor." I explain.

"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Jonna, figures that twerp didn't say anything about me. Instructor? I thought he left the College?" Jonna asks in confusion as she cleans a mug.

"Oh, I'm not with the College. I'm opening up a school of sorts, and I think he has tremendous value as an instructor." I tell her, sipping the ale.

"Oh, makes sense. He hates the College for some reason. What about the girl? Is she going to be left behind?" Jonna asks with concern.

"No, she's welcome too. Heck, you can come too. Not like you have much business keeping you tied her and at the rate this little settlement is growing I'm probably going to be adding an Inn to the plans as well." I say offhandedly with a shrug.


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