
On the Road to Ruin IV

"Why yes, I need funds if I'm going to expand my influence and prestige quickly. Any way you can assist in this regard would be appreciated." I say deferentially.

"Hmmm... Jorlief, how much is left in our discretionary fund for the year?" Ulfric says to his steward while stroking his beard in thought.

"7,219 septims, my Jarl." Jorlief responds after looking through some paperwork.

"Good, draw it out and give it to Silvantus. List it as an investment in southern security." Ulfric orders.

"Right away, my Jarl." Jorlief replies reluctantly before running off to acquire the funds.

"Now that that is taken care of, please sit and enjoy a meal before departing. You have much work to do and an empty stomach does you no favors. I have some war plans to see to. After Jorlief returns you can see yourself out." Ulfric says before standing up and going to a side room to look over a map of the civil war being in a similar state of stalemate as I'm used to seeing.

I take the unexpected windfall joyously from Jorlief who seems to hold the small chest tightly to himself, reluctant to let go of this substantial sum of money.

After taking the chest M'rissi, Kasia, and I enjoy the meal Ulfric laid out for us before packing up some for the road and making our way northwest of Windhelm where the camp Marcus indicated we should go to is marked.

Once at the camp, I notice some embers in the dying fire pit and Kasia speaks up, "Looks like someone has been here recently. Can you cook something up with the food I brought? I'll try to get a fire going in the meantime." She says heading out to gather some nearby kindling from the shrubbery on the mountain face.

Leaving me and M'rissi alone… Though every time our eyes meet she scowls and harrumphs before curiously trying to sneak a peak at what I'm cooking.

"What are you trying to make, Fluffy? She thinks it smells… Good. Did you get fishies? Fishies are her favorite you know." M'rissi says, starting to converse with me.

"No, I didn't, but I feel I could've made an educated guess." I say with a smile before using my hand to guide her over to a cooking pot over a low flame in the corner of the campsite.

"Come over here." I say placing my hand over her lower back, though it slides slightly lower than I intended and my hand brushes just above where her tail meets her backside and even through her clothes I can feel the goosebumps rise from her skin in response to the faint caressing touch.

~Nyaaa~ "W-what are you d-doing to h-her, Fluffy?!" M'rissi's stutters with her gaze giving me an accusatory, albeit confused look as her tail whips around frantically.

"Just showing you what I'm cooking, kitten. I'm making a hearty tomato soup to fight this biting cold along with some seared fish from the market, and a side of grilled leeks." I say explaining the menu for tonight before wrapping my arms around her to guide her in chopping and dicing some of the ingredients.

"Y-you are doing it again!" M'rissi exclaims in protest, though doing nothing to stop me or push me away as her cheeks become flushed.

"I'm just showing you how to prepare the food, kitten. Like this." I say taking her hands in mine as I nestle her back against my chest and use her hands to fillet the fish.

"O-oh... She understands... T-thank you..." M'rissi says as her eyes start to gloss over as we get into a rhythm of cooking as time seems to stand still just for us.

I lean my head over M'rissi's neck to get a better look at the 'ingredients' only for an odd but soothing floral scent to assail my nose. Lavender and... Juniper berries? I'm drawn in by the intoxicatingly sweet aroma and before I know it I'm burying my face into M'rissi's neck.

*Huff, huff, huff...* "D-do you l-like it? She g-got it f-from a s-stall in Whiterun..." M'rissi whispers into my ear, as she begins to pant heavily.

"It's breath taking... Just like you..." I whisper back, feeling her shiver as I wrap my arms around her thin waist and a certain friend from below starts to awaken. Pressing firmly against my pants and resting against her small, but well cushioned ass.

"W-what's... G-going... O-on? S-she... F-feels... W-wierd... B-but... Soooo warm... I-inside..." M'rissi asks me while peering at me with her wide, confused yet yearning golden amber eyes as her body wiggles constantly in my grasp as if trying to find and scratch on unknown itch without actually touching it.

My heart begins pounding like a jackhammer as a faint voice in the back of my head is shouting, 'Take her!' and I'm inclined to agree as I bring my lips slowly from up the side of her neck, gliding along the silky smooth fine hairs before bringing my lips just a hairs breath away from hers.

Our eyes lock, revealing a mirror of each other's longing, anticipation, and lust...

"Guys! I'm back from gathering the firewood!" A familiar voice calls out from the distance, snapping us both out of our haze as M'rissi panics and dives into the tent that was left behind by the camp's previous inhabitants.

And I'm left alone... Standing above the cooking pot wondering what exactly I did to piss Malacath off so much that he'd cockblock me at every turn!

I reluctantly finish cooking. Setting M'rissi's portion just inside the tent for her, while I split the rest with Kasia as we sit down by the fire.

"Is Ms. M'rissi alright? Is she not joining us for dinner?" Kasia asks, oblivious to the mood she just ruined.

*Huff...* I take a long breath before exhaling, "She's fine, just not used to the mountain cold, in fact I think a certain part of me is feeling the blues as well. *Sigh* Anyways, what do you think of dinner, is it to your liking?"

Here's another chapter, because my original novel 'End Times: My Apocalypse System' will be put on New Releases tomorrow! Thank you to all of you who went out and supported it! But don't worry, we will still have a guaranteed 2 chapters a week. It just may not have as many bonus chapters as I've given this week. Hope you all enjoy!

Lemon_Squarecreators' thoughts