

Seeing Saqoa and Tuk inside the containers Mith and Jis were shocked.

Mith got really angered and grabbed Sandhuke's neck .

Sandhuke slowly took Mith's arm away from him.He told ," Calm down kids , I can easily remove you from you existence.So, please have some manners."

Jis : Shut up and let them come out of there .

Sandhuke : As i said please behave properly ,otherwise things can turn really worse.

Sandhuke's face turned big and suddenly turned into a demon like face which scared Jis.He then returned to his normal shape.

Sandhuke : And about letting them out i was gonna do exactly that.Though i would like to keep them here and perform some more experiments , I follow some principles.

One such principle is returning stolen experiment subjects back to their owners when they ask it no matter whay happens.

And Don't worry they are fine.They just need some spells.

Mith in a weird voice : You are really strange.

Sandhuke : Don't get me wrong .I don't really care about the testing subjects.They are all just like lab rats to me. I like experimenting no matter what. My master knew about this habit. He ordered me to always follow this principle.Iam just following that .

Jis : Won't they harm you ?

Sandhuke : I agreed to join them on the condition they would let me do my things in my way.Besides they were doing that for fun and excitement. But for me its more than that.

They started as a really good group saving people but soon when Kozkilas and his friends became much powerful ,the power corrupted them a little.They lost a significant portion of their sense of morality.Though iam not the person who should be talking about that because i lost mine a long time ago and though it nay look like iam the weakest among them its not actually the case .Master taught me a lot of things.I will always be grateful to him.

well let's now open up the container. I know you have a lot of questions , I will answer your questions after the job .And it's like I have anything to do right now and Iam sure they will not like me coming out .

Saying this he moved his hand infront of the containers and casted a spell towards the container.The container opened and Tuk and Saqoa came out of it unconscious.

Jis and Mith ran towards Tuk and started trying to wake him up .

Mith was moving his sideways and Jis was pressing his chest .

Sandhuke : Get off him.He will wake up in sometime.Don't worry about him.

Saqoa remained on the ground and he was also unconscious while Jis and Mith carried Tuk to a chair.

Sandhuke in a low voice : What a terrible friendship!

Then he saw they both returning and picking up Saqoa and put him into a chair too.

Sandhuke : Hmm

In the jungle

Kozkilas stood up and screamed,"Soldiers , get ready to fight."

Suddenly a number of thunders flashed and soon they realised they ere being surrounded by a group of ten dramons staring at them.

Marine : Kozkilas , can you fight them ?

Kozkilas : They are really strong. I underestimated them. But i and my soldiers have seen their powers now. Don't underestimate us. There was a reason the first one could give a fight because i wanted to see its powers . But now i will go all out mode.

These creatures release curse through their teeth, beaware of it.

Marine: But you can't be sure if they used their full powers. Maybe they sacrificed one to check your powers .

Kozkilas : They don't look that smart. And even if they are they will lose to my experience .

One dramon ran towards him while the others were standing still.

Kozkilas brings out his sword and prepares to fight and so as his group .

Kozkilas in loud voice : Come on you creepy creature .

Bret looks at his sword.

Marine puts his hand on Bret's shoulder and says'"No."

Bret looks at Marine makes his sword disappear .

Suddenly One member of Kozkila's group named Brazon makes his magical sword and attacks at the dramon. The dramon suddenly disappears and appear near Brett and Marine and stares at them. Within a few seconds a sword appears behind the dramon and tries to slice its head but the dramon disappears again .

Marine : Careful, they have transportation powers .

Everybody was trying to look for the dramon but the dramon was no where to be seen. Suddenly The dramon appears on the top of Kozkila's member named Batul and tries to attack him with his claws but Batul dodges.The dramon disappears again and this time transported back to its group.

He closes his eyes and after a little meditation he opened his eyes and punched in air.

Marine : What, are, you doing?

Suddenly a dramon fell near Kozkilas and everybody was shocked.

Kozkilas thinking: These are more powerful and bigger than earlier one. Maybe Marine was right , but iam a fighter tooo

Thinking this he laughed.

The dramon's mouth was broken and it was laying on thr ground.

Kozkilas: When the Dramon transported back I noticed there were only 9 damons in total. I concentratedmy mind into the surroundings and got this one.

Marine: These creatures are smart and it's expected of the. There is a reason new trainees like me are advised just to learn escaping from them and not fight them. The dramons were not been reported for the last two hundred years by any trainees. Why do they suddenly appeared ? Is it because they could feel Kozkila's strong aura. But why did stop appearing ?

The creature's broken mouth suddenly got repaired and its closed eyes opens.It was filled with rage. It was really a horror scene .

Kozkilas : Damn these creatures. I guess you need some more of this punches .

The creature sudenly jumped , roared and threw spikes from his tail towards Kozkilas.

Kozkilas stopped those with his sword.

Kozkilas : These attacks are really getting powerful.

Marine: Why are the other creatures standing. Why are they not attacking us ?

Marine suddenly noticed something and that all the other dramons were standing still circling them but all were standing infront of one large tree. The tree was only present at those points where they were standing. Marine then gave an indication to Bret and they stood up .

The dramon disappeared again and came towards Kozkilas. Kozkilas stopped it through his sword. The dramon was trying to bite Kozkilas and inject it's curse. Kozkilas was trying to stop it. When the other soldiers tried to came to protect him it sent spikes towards them which they dodged.

Brazon : Damn.

Marine : Kozkilas please send your soldiers towards one dramon along with us.I know it is not looking like a good idea but believe me if it works it will help us .

Kozkilas looks at him surprisingly .He then manages to seperate the Dramon from him.

Kozkilas thinking : What is he saying ?

The dramon stands up and lands a punch towards Kozkila's mouth but he dodges the attack.The dramon then fires his nails his sharp nails filled with deadly curse towards Kozkilas.Kozkilas manages to block it with hi sword and counters him by swinging his sword and releasing a swinging fireball with his sword .The dramon didges and fire ball lands in the jungle causing an explosion at the site.

Kozkilas thinking : This dramon is playing really carefully.He is making me show all my abilities to him.But little does it know.

He laughs.

The dramon disappears and appears in the surrounding circle with other demons

Kozkilas again concentrated and this time he swung his sword in the air and a dramon fell on the ground.

Kozkilas : It was much faster this time. It was the same dramon which attacked me earlier .

Kozkilas suddenly ran towards Marine and knocks a dramon with his punch just behind him

Marine and Bret were surprised.

Kozkilas : This time there are two.Iam getting really excited now. Thanks Sandhuje for your additional support .

Marine : Kozkilas please listen to me one.

Kozkilas : I believe This is going to be a risky experiment.

Marine : We won't know most of the things without experiments.

Cardcrow arrives in an island.

Cardcrow : ah so here it is . Finally we are here.

Thanks to that deadly storm we are two days late but still we arrived .

- to be continued
