

Keylee stared at Void as he started to walk around her in a wide circle while trying to talk her out. 'You really think it would work Kitten. You can't beat me, you think you can jump if I don't allow you to? How would Scott feel? He would be broken.'

Void was now at the edge of the cliff too and started to walk closer while Keylee started to walk backwards, away from the cliff. They were slowly starting to circle around each other until she was far enough from the cliff. Keylee turned around, ready to run again as she realized Void tricked her into walking away but the Oni prevent her from doing anything.

One oni took her right upper arm and the other oni her left one. She was stuck between them.

'Let. me. go!'

Void shook his head in disappointment. 'No Kitten. We need to go back. It is 1 am. It's dark and late. You will get cold.'

'Like you care!'

Void pretended to be hurt. 'I do care. Imagine you get ill, I'm the one who needs to make sure you wont die in that case, imagine you die. How am I supposed to manipulate Scott, to destroy his life? So I do care Kitten, you are such an important piece in the game. The funny part is you don't even realize it.'

'I just wanna go home. Please.'

Void looked at her, and at that moment, he felt something he never felt before. And he wasn't planning on ever feeling it again. It was a weird feeling in his stomach, he didn't enjoy seeing this girl so miserable. No, in fact, he hated it. He wanted her to stop looking like a lost kitten and yell at him, be angry or something. Fight him for god's sake. But she just stood there, in the middle of the night, between two of his shadow warriors. And Void felt something for her. He needed to get rid of that feeling as soon as possible. He promised himself long ago. Never again. No matter who she used to be.

without another word he turned around. Keylee didn't even try yo get out of the Oni's grip when they started to walk. She was tired of all the running, and what could she possibly do? Was she really planning to jump? No. She wasn't, she wasn't stupid. She just needed to see how important she was to Void. For one second, the thought of jumping indeed crossed her mind. She saw the river beneath her and there was a change she'd survive.... But if she didn't, Scott would be broken. She couldn't do that to him, she just couldn't.

Once they finally arrived back at the house the Oni still didn't let her go. Not even when they were inside and Void locked the door. He was taking no risks anymore. He underestimated her but that wouldn't happen again, not that it would be bad if she ran away, she couldn't possibly get back to the pack. Void just wasn't in the mood to chase after her and he didn't like the possibility to find her dead in the morning, killed by a mountain lion or something like that.

It wasn't until the basement that Keylee started to struggle to get out of the Oni's grip. Void looked over his shoulder and a idea popped in his mind. 'Don't wanna be tied up again? That's alright. Let her go.'

The Oni abruptly let go of Keylee's arms. She looked from the one at her right to the one at her left and quickly took a step forward out of reach. Stupid, she better took a step back as now she was closer to Void who chuckled slightly and looked down at her.

'You heart is betraying you.'


'I can hear your heart beat Kitten. The look on your face is blank but your heart is too fast to not care about your situation right now.'

Keylee stared at him in shock. Stupid supernatural hearing. He was right, she was done with being scared. She didn't want to be scared, Scott wasn't scared right? He could just run at an alpha pack and come back all bleeding only to do it again the next day. Just to protect his family. Keylee wished she could do those things, everyone around her always seemed to be so calm. Why was she so vulnerable? So scared? It just wasn't fair.

'There is an evil spirit in front of me, looking like the boy I've known for years, because he kidnapped me to manipulate my brother. I ran away twice and both times didn't work, now you are gonna tie me up again. I'm the calmness itself, why would you think I'm scared?' She replied sarcastically.

The fox shrugged. 'Fair enough. I could also not tie you up if you hate it that much but then you need to promise you won't run away anymore.'


Void sighted. 'You heard me? You need me to explain it again?'

'No, it's just... Normally you get tied up when you're kidnapped.'

'I'm not normal.' Void smirked. 'So, wanna make a deal?'

He saw how she doubted it. Probably not believing what he said. Why wouldn't he tie her up? Only because she disliked it? It didn't make sense. Well, Void simply didn't want to spend the rest of the night in the basement and no way he was gonna let her out of sight. At least that is what he told himself.

'Alright...' Keylee began hesitating. 'If you don't tie me up here I promise I won't run.'

Void smirked. 'Excellent. Follow me.'

That was it? It was that simple? It couldn't be. Keylee was still trying to figure out why he would be nice to her but couldn't think of anything logic. He couldn't feel anything, he feeds of pain. Wouldn't it be far more logic to tie her up and torture her? He only needed her alive, not unharmed.

Keylee didn't know these thoughts were not only crossing her mind but Void's as well. For some reason he still couldn't bear the idea of hurting the girl behind him. What was wrong with him? There were endless things he could do to her, why this. Was he getting weak? "She's not the same, she doesn't remember..." He told himself.

Void sighted and stopped in the middle of the room where he turned around to look at Keylee. She still had a puzzled look on her face. He couldn't really figure out how she felt, was she scared? Angry? Confused? Tired? Sad?

'Why are you looking at me like that?'

'How are you feeling?'


Void sighted again. 'Really? Do I have to repeat everything for you?'

Keylee grunted and gave him a indignant look. 'You just say such weird things.'


Void turned around again. Leaving Keylee utterly confused. He could smell the chaos in her. Void breathed deep in to control himself and opened the door to the bedroom.

'Sit.' He ordered and pointed at the bed. For a split second Keylee wanted to refuse but she reminded herself that whatever game he was playing, it was still a creature stronger than her. So she did as he asked and sat on the bed.

'Stay.' Void walked into another room and left Keylee on the bed. She was far to confused to walk away. What on earth was going on? She thought everything after the bite was weird but this....

Keylee slowly sunk in the bed, staring at the ceiling. Imagines of Eichen house flashed through her head. It took her a while before she recognized it but after a while she did. The memory wasn't hers, she felt that. She din't know who the memory belonged to but she knew it was someone like her. Someone who could see things, hear thing, things that didn't belong in this world.

Keylee closed her eyes and shook her head a few times to get rid of the false memory. She suddenly felt the tiredness creep up on her. It was almost 2 AM and she was kinda busy with escaping and running for like half of the day. Man, that took a lot.

She tried to keep her eyes open, she really tried, not trusting her surrounding, but she just couldn't. She was too tired and slowly her eyes closed. She didn't sleep though, she just couldn't keep her eyes open.

Void looked at her when he came back in the room. She was the first thing he looked for, and he was taken aback when he saw her half asleep. He silently shook his head. 'Oh Kitten, what am I gonna do with you.'

He took her shoes of and turned the light switch. It wasn't fully dark, a bit light sneaked through the small windows, just enough to see something. Void pulled the blanket up over Keylee and as reaction she only snuggled further in the pillow. Void smiled but immediately stopped when he noticed what he was doing. He lied down on the empty spot besides her and placed an arm around her. Keylee stiffened. 'What are you doing?' She whispered suddenly very awake.

Void bowed closer to her ear. 'I'm keeping you here. You din't really think I was gonna let you out of my sight again did you?'

Keylee din't respond. She desperately wanted to push him away but her body din't work. She was too tired and he was too strong, so she let it be. And she had to admit, his chest felt actually surprisingly comfortable against her back.

Void watched her as she slowly drifted to sleep. He knew she didn't like the fact that he held her here, but with this way he'd notice as soon as she moved and she couldn't escape. That and a part of him just wanted to hold her again. Void stared at the girl in his arms, she was almost peaceful asleep. He slowly started to relax a bit and thought about what was going on. Until now his plan was to use her to manipulate Scott. Then he figured out she sensed other's pain, it was the moment he realized who she actually was, even though he tried to ignore it. Now he just wanted to keep her close because he could.

He stared up at the ceiling and sighted. 'Why do you do this to me Aya?'


Keylee slowly opened her eyes, she had learnt from the last time to not open them immediately, and it took her a while to realize where she was.

She suddenly remembered. Void took her. She looked at her stomach and saw that Void still had his arm wrapped around her. She placed her hand on his and when she got no reaction she silently pulled his arm up and sneaked out of the bed. She turned around. He looked almost peaceful. If she didn't know any better she would have laughed if anyone tried to tell her this was a dangerous creature that kidnapped her.

Void was paler than Stiles and with more messy brown hair but they kinda looked the same when they slept. The entire dark look was gone, he looked just like any other normal teenager. He breathed calmly and Keylee suddenly wondered if he ever got nightmares.

She bit her bottom lip but eventually turned around and tiptoed to the door. Now and then she looked behind her to see Void still asleep on the bed. Keylee slowly opened the door, careful not to make a sound, after she got out, she doubted if she had to close the door. What would be the point of it? If Void woke up he would notice her gone anyway and if she closed the door she risked to wake him up.

So she didn't close the door and walked to the front door. It was locked. Keylee glanced back to where she came from and listened carefully. when she heard and saw nothing she tried looking for a key. She opened a few drawers and found a note block and a pencil but no key. She found a few books, but no key. She looked around and silently cursed herself for the time she needed to find a key. Why was this so bloody hard?

'If I were a ancient old spirit where would I hide a key? Oh, I wouldn't.' Keylee mumbled silently to herself. She looked at places where you could hid a key but what about a place where it's obvious to place it? She looked beneath the doormat and, yes, she found a key. 'Predictable. so many people do that that I no one would ever expect a demon fox to do it.'

Keylee smiled in triumph and unlocked the door. She smelled the fresh air and in the distance she could see the first glow of the rising sun. She set a foot outside but remembered what she said earlier.

"I promise I won't run"

He kept his part of the deal, he didn't tie her up. It felt unfair to run away now. 'Oh come one Keylee, the guy literally kidnapped you, don't start about fair and unfair.'

Yet she couldn't shake the feeling off. Keylee sighted deeply before she closed the door behind her, while she was still inside the house. She wouldn't run, she would keep her word like she wanted others to keep their word but she was not going back to bed.

So instead of going back she walked to the living room with the notebook and pencil she found earlier and started to draw. Nothing in specific, just something random. She let her hand guide her until she came to an abrupt stop. What she drew, it wasn't anything familiar. It was a scary cowboy like man only he didn't had a mouth or eyes. Just to wholes and.... she couldn't even describe what was on the place of his mouth. He looked like a horror figure and the dirty hair with that old cowboy hat didn't make it better. Keylee sighted frustrated. Back in Beacon Hills and the supernatural stuff already started.

Void watched in surprise how she grabbed the notebook and pencil she found earlier. He had sneaked after her right after she walked out of the room. He was curious for what she was about to do, he was still a fox and foxes are curious creatures. Was she really gonna try to get away? It would make sense but she made a promise, and Keylee McCall ALWAYS kept her promises.

Keylee walked to the table and started to move the pencil quickly over the paper. It didn't look like she was focusing very much at what she was drawing but when she looked at it she stiffened.

Void was curious what she drew that made her so shocked, yet for some reason he didn't want to make his presence known and he continued to stare at the girl. Again he felt that feeling but he pushed it away. He had to continue his plan, he had to create chaos and death, that was what a nogitsune did.
