

Walking along the walls. Alvar suddenly stopped. He took out a small knife from his storage and then made a small mark on the wall and watched how it slowly started fixing itself.

'This is very interesting...' Alvar thought noticing something strange.

What he noticed was multiple blue wire like lines appearing and starting to glow near the mark he made.

'It seems this dungeon was built with mana circuits as well, but how does it keep the mana flowing and where does it get its mana from?' Alvar thought

'If the dungeon appeared before the gods descended then this place must be pretty old, so its creator should either be dead or a god, but that shouldn't be the case since it seems like the gods are against the dungeon. Although whoever made it is pretty smart. Making the dungeon absorb the corpses of the monsters to conserve mana.' Alvar thought

'But why doesn't the dungeon absorb the normal monster's magic stones while the guardian doesn't drop anything? If the monsters live off of the magic stones then shouldn't the guardian also have one? So why doesn't it drop anything?'

'I'll take a piece with me to study when I buy a workshop.' Alvar thought while taking out his knife and he cut a chunk out of the wall.

Alvar started walking up to the first floor and went to a corner where no one was. He change back into the clothes he had on when he entered the dungeon. After changing his soul back as well, he started walking out of the dungeon and headed towards the guild.

When Alvar noticed no one was looking at him, he walked inside an alleyway. He decided to wear a dark set of clothing with a hood to cover his hair and a white mask to cover his face. After changing his soul again, he walked inside the guild with his backpack on his shoulder.

'I don't know how rare the weapons I'm planning on making are, so it's better to make all the attention go to 'someone else' and not be focused on me.' Alvar thought noticing how some adventurers are looking at him suspiciously.

Alvar just ignored them and walked towards one of the exchange booths and took out a sack with 30% of the magic stones he gathered.

'I'll keep the rest so that I can do some tests.' Alvar thought while he placed the bag on a small flat area and pushed it into the booth. After a minute or so it got pushed out with a bag of valis which he placed inside his backpack.

Alvar then started walking to one of the open counters to talk to a guild employee.

"My name is Sophie, what can I do for you?" Asked Sophie while staring at Alvar's mask.

"I would like to buy a workshop, but can we work out the details in private please?" Alvar asked

"Sure, follow me." Sophie said standing up and leading the way.

Walking inside the meeting room they each took a seat across from each other. Sophie brought some papers of workshops that are for sale and the documents that are needed to be signed.

"Here are some papers on the available workshops that are for sale. Can you describe the type you're looking for?" Sophie asked

"Sure, I would like it to have at least two rooms. A room for smithing and an open room where I can make some blueprints and so on. That's pretty much all I need." Alvar said

"Almost all of them have two rooms or more." Sophie said with a blank look on her face.

"That's all I need though." Alvar said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Sigh... Just look at these papers and see which one you want to buy." Sophie said while shaking her head.

'Let's see...' Alvar thought while going through the papers.

'Too small...'

'Too big...'

'Why is this one pink?'

After half an hour Alvar finally found the one he wanted to buy.

"This one will do." Alvar said while handing her the paper.

"Let's see... It's in the northwest shop area and it would cost 250k valis, can you fill in this document, please?" Sophie said handing him a document.

"Is it possible to keep some of the parts blank? Like my familia and name." Alvar Asked

"You can, but you should still fill in a name. It doesn't matter if it's your real one or just an alias."

"Also it would cost another 2k valis." She added

Alvar nodded and wrote down 'Cyrus' as his name and filled the rest that he was able to.

"This should do." Alvar said handing the document and payment to Sophie

"Here's a map with the location of the workshop marked." Sophie said handing him the map.

"Thanks for the help, also can I get some documents on the monsters in the dungeon with the base strength of each level?" Alvar asked.

After Alvar received a suspicious glance and some of the documents he left the guild and headed towards his new workshop.

While walking Alvar noticed more shops appearing.

'Makes sense I guess.' Alvar thought looking for his new workshop.

'Found it.' Alvar thought while smiling under his mask.

On the outside, there is a desk with racks where he can place some weapons and sell them. While on the inside there are three separate rooms, one with a big open area where he can craft his weapons and the other one he'll use for research and experiments. The main room will be the place where most of his weapons and armours will be placed.

He'll be selling his items on the outside for a while until people start to notice him and then he'll start selling his items inside the store.

Alvar opened his workshop and walked inside his research room and took out a few magic stones and the small dungeon wall chunk and placed it on the desk.

'Time for some research.' Alvar thought with a grin on his face.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! and if you did do throw in some stone and add it to your collection if you want to :P

This is my first book so any advice or criticism is welcome!

