
Chapter 90: An Air Of Mischief

Severus Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts, Wizarding World...

Upon awakening, Severus Snape found himself stretching in the center of his rather large black four poster bed. A small smile filed across his notoriously pale face as he thought about what lie ahead in terms of his rather bright future with a young witch whom would soon become his wife of all things. The shock of getting to this point had still been new as he stretched looking more like a hairless cat than a wizard as the sheets were thrown back revealing that he had been quite naked. The previous night's efforts had been something of a distant memory given the new day but needless to say, he knew what he had to look forward to once he put that permanent ring on a certain bushy haired Professor's finger. He had the support of her friends and family in that regard and then some. Greeting the day of his would be stag party, Severus Snape made his way to the loo to empty his no-longer-will-be neglected bladder and shower for the upcoming event.

The rushing water had felt good against his strained muscles. He summarized that he might not have been the only one feeling a bit of residual soreness from the previous night and it brought a smile to his sallow pale face.

Once his shower had been concluded, Snape got dressed in his usual trademark attire. His day was going to be quite interesting once the sun went down. Lucius had the gall to invite Potter and Weasley on their little venture. The last thing The Potions Professor needed was for Hermione's stooges to ruin the event but he reasoned that it would no doubt work in his favor in terms of keeping Lucius from his usual brand of stag party planning.


The Front Room, Snape's Quarters, Wizarding World...

Hermione's heart had been racing. She had not wanted a bridal shower given she had made it clear that Severus having a stag party to the likes of his school years was out of the question. Of course that had not stopped Ginny from going overboard with her plans. She reassured Hermione that Harry and Ron would be joining Severus for his party so there had been no need to worry about her future husband.

Still she felt guilty given what had been planned for her.

Severus came from the bedroom with a smile on his face as he reached her.

"Well hello soon to be Mrs. Snape." he said pleasantly. "I thought you had already gone."

Hermione returned his smile pleased to see him so happy.

He was over to her in a few quick strides and scooped her into his arms.

They shared a series of passionate kisses before he finally let her up for air so to speak.

"Planning to go for breakfast in the great hall?" he asked.

"As a matter of fact I was just on my way and wanted to see if you were already awake." she said pleasantly.

Snape smiled once more seeming to enjoy his rather pleasant mood before they faced the crowd of nosy and gossip prone students.

"And to think everyone believes you spend every morning being a grumpy git." she said noting his good mood.

"After a night like the previous one, it's difficult for even myself to remain...as you say...grumpy." he replied with a final smile before reverting to his usual professor persona. "Besides these children have way too much time on their hands to engage in idle gossip."


Hours Later...

Outside A Pub, Hogsmeade Village, Wizarding World...

Snape had been standing outside a local pub as Lucius Malfoy arrived with a wicked grin filed across his pale face. Snape shook his head knowing all too well that the mischief behind his old friend's gray eyes meant nothing but trouble for the day.

"Pleased you could make it Sev ol' boy." said Lucius slapping Snape on the shoulder.

"I take it you've been sampling the drink for the night." replied The Potions Professor.

"That obvious huh?" asked Lucius with a seemingly lucid smile.

"Indeed it is." replied Snape looking around.

He knew Lucius too well to assume this small unassuming pub was the location for what he had planned.

"What are you up to?" asked Snape with an arched brow.

"All in good time." replied The handsome blond wizard with a layer of charm. "We have guests after all."

The moment he said that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley arrived.

"Hey Snape." said Ron with a bit of a smirk.

"Weasley." said Snape being civil despite being annoyed by his presence somewhat.

"Hey Sev." said Harry with a bit of hopeful familiarity.

Snape rolled his eyes.

Weasley he could deal with but Potter was a stretch and then some.

With a sigh, The Potions Master steeled himself against the urge to hex Potter where he stood for daring to call him that name.

"Gentlemen, shall we begin?" asked Lucius motioning for them all to enter the pub.

Snape smirked rather wickedly noting the mischief behind the handsome blond wizard's gray eyes once more.

"By all means." he said. "Let's."

One by one they all filed into the seemingly empty pub.


The Pub, Hogsmeade Villiage, Wizarding World...

Harry Potter took a seat at the empty bar and Ron sat beside him. There was a good deal of dust and the place smelled of stale urine.

"This is where Snape's having his stag party?" asked Ron looking around confused. "If you ask me Mione was worried for nothing, the bloke is as boring in his private life as he was being our Potions Professor."

"Quiet Ron." replied Harry looking around to ensure they weren't over heard. "Making friends was difficult for him."

"I'll say." replied Ron. "It's only me, you, and The Malfoys here."

Lucius seemed rather chipper as he began dusting off the old bar and set up a few rounds. Draco's eyes widened when his father passed him a glass.

"I-I'll pass." he said quickly knowing all too well what his father's drinks had been like from his own stag party.

"Don't be rude Draco." said Lucius in his usual veneer of charm. "We have guests."

The Junior Malfoy sighed and took up the glass.

"Alright Father, but I'm stopping at one." he said seemingly defiant.

Snape smirked knowing the boy had no self control what so ever when it came to drinking just one of his father's mixed drinks.

Harry looked down at the cup in front of him for a moment.

"What's in it?" he asked eyeing the Senior Malfoy suspiciously.

"Just a bit of this and a bit of that...I never give away my secrets when it comes to mixing drink...my talents are rather legendary." replied Lucius. "If you're going to be apart of this party you are going to have to trust that we'll all have a good time."

Against his better judgement, and partially due to the pitiful state Snape's stag party seemed to be in Harry picked up the glass and drank down the contents.

Ron had finished before him.

"Hey it's not half bad."he said fascinated by it almost. "What's it called?"

"Serpent's Snare." replied Lucius with a grin.

The moment the name of the drink was pronounced both Harry and Ron felt as if they weighed next to nothing.

Snape picked up his own glass and drank down the contents.

"I suppose this party will be entertaining after all." he replied with a wicked grin of his own.

The last thing both Harry and Ron noted was Lucius seemingly villainous laughter before everything faded into darkness.
