
Chapter 55: To Charm A Serpent

The Grounds, Hogwarts, Castle, Wizarding World...

Fire whiskey had been warmed the blood of Severus Snape as he ventured from the Slytherin Dungeons back to the grounds. He told himself that he was on patrol, but the feelings that he had repressed for so long seemed to be getting the better of him. He stepped out into the darkness at a brisk pace that made everything around him seem like nothing more than a blur. He almost zeroed in on the bushy haired witch as she rounded the corner. His footsteps, despite the fire whiskey coursing through his veins had been silent as he reached out and pulled the unsuspecting witch into a darkened niche and pressed her against the cold stone wall. Before she could speak a word in protest she found pale lips crushing against her soft pink ones lost in ardor. The faint taste of fire whiskey on them as she was pressed harder against the cold stone wall with the ebony clad body of none other than Severus Snape.

"Severus?" said Hermione in a breathless whisper.

The Potions Master's obsidian eyes glared at her intently. The witch had barely registered the sudden fire behind them as he looked at her. Before she could say anything more he kissed her again with the same intensity. It was as if she could feel the heat from his lean body radiating off of him as he pressed against her. His long arms stretched out on either side of her with his palms flat against the cold stone. The young witch couldn't help it when she ground herself against him wrapping her own arms around his neck in a bid to pull him closer.

"Hermione." he said in a breathless whisper of his own when he finally came up for air.

The bushy haired witch had not understood what suddenly brought this change in him on but it was welcome as long as he continued to kiss her like this. A soft moan escaped from her lips as Snape let his hands roam down her slender frame. Hermione let out a hitched breath feeling the intimacy in his touch.

Snape's own breathing became ragged as he pressed his body into hers once more. Hermione let out another soft moan as her body seemed to want to melt into his. The chill of the night air had no effect as the heat from their rising body temperatures was more than enough to keep it at bay. Snape continued to kiss her as if he meant to devour her in the wake of his ardor.

Hermione's mind was beginning to fog and her breath became ragged. She nearly whimpered when Snape's prominent erection pressed into her thighs. The two could not seem to get enough of the contact.

"You see what you've done Granger." said Snape leaning into Hermione's ear.

Hermione had been unable to reply wanting only to feel his body against hers.

Snape captured her mouth in another searing kiss.

"I was perfectly willing to let you go and live your life any way you chose." he said in a low husky tone.

Hermione still said nothing as he kissed her again.

"But you had to come back here." he said almost embittered in his tone. "You just had to insinuate your bushy hair and insufferable manner into my life once again."

Hermione remained at a loss for words as he continued to kiss her.

"If you are looking for a stand in for your school boy lover you've come to the wrong place." said Snape. "You keep insinuating yourself into my personal life and you will find that I am nothing like your Sebastian Prince...I am not a nice man when I'm provoked and you should tread carefully...because once I do get you Hermione Granger, I won't be letting you go."

Hermione had been spellbound by his words as he continued although she was not so far gone that she didn't recognize the warning in his tone. He continued to kiss her pressing his body harder against hers still very desperate for the contact. They had been going at it for several minutes before the current Head Boy, Marcus Sparks from Slytherin house happened upon them.

Marcus had been in shock beyond belief to find the source of the strange noises in the darkened niche had been from a witch that happened to be snogging his Head of house. Snape had heard the boy's foot steps and wasn't the least bit worried when Marcus walked over to them. The young wizard had his ticket book ready to issue a detention to whatever randy six and seven years that had been lurking in the darkness.

His brown eyes widened when he registered the familiar ebony clad form of his Head of House as he stood with his back to him blocking the boy's view of whatever witch he had been snogging. The scent of fire whiskey had been heavy on him, but it was after hours and the professor was now on his own time.

"P-Professor Snape....Sir." said Marcus fumbling with his booklet.

"Mr. Sparks." said Snape switching almost instantly into his Professor persona.

"I-I didn't know that it was you Professor." said Marcus.

Snape glared at the young Slytherin.

"Well, now you do." he said.

Hermione had come back to her senses in the absence of his kissing.

"Severus." she said.

"Professor Granger?" said Marcus descending into further shock.

Snape sighed.

"Professor Granger, and I were just having a discussion." he said.

"It didn't sound like you were doing much talking, sir." said Marcus boldly.

"It was a private conversation." replied Snape glaring at the young Slytherin.

"S-Sorry sir." said Marcus looking down at his hands.

Snape scoffed.

"Run along Mr. Sparks." he said. "I trust that I have your discretion concerning this little matter."

"Of course sir." replied Marcus. "What happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin."

Snape nodded.

"Have a good night Professors." he said before taking his leave.

Hermione turned her attention to Snape who had been mentally cursing himself for behaving like a randy sixth year.

"My patrol's almost over." she said hoping he had not talked himself out of whatever they were about to do before Marcus interrupted them.

"No." replied Snape glaring at her. "You've caused enough trouble temptress...that boy's an idle gossip."

"Me?" said Hermione. "You're the one that ambushed me."

"You are the one that came to my rooms that night." said Snape.

"You're the one that had to be so impossible." said Hermione.

"You're the one that went off the deep end when you found out who I was." he countered.

Before they knew it they were at it again as if Marcus had never interrupted them.

"Severus." said Hermione wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

He pressed his body against her as they continued to lean against the cold tile.

"I meant what I said Granger." said Snape kissing her in that familiar place on her neck that made her lose all reason. "You'd better be sure."

Hermione found herself lost in the sensations he was creating as they pulsed through her body. Just as she had been losing herself in the scent of herbs and fresh earth that lingered on his robes, Snape pulled away from her.

The Gryffindor Professor let out a whimper as she realized that he stood a good distance away from her.

"Severus....what?" she began seemingly disappointed.

"I have to go." he replied.

"Why?" asked Hermione not at all trying to hide the fact that she had been utterly flustered.

"Now's not the time." said Snape evenly.

Before Hermione could make another sound he had disappeared in a billow of black robes.

"Slytherin Git." said Hermione more than a little annoyed at being left so flustered.

Hermione finished her patrols in a less than savory mood. The two students snogging in the halls caught a bit of her wrath as she assigned them detention with Filch for their audacity to have more fun that she was at the moment.

After taking her frustrations out on the students in tyrannical form, the wheels in her bushy head had been turning at that moment.

She was most definitely going to get him back for this.


Potions Classroom, Hogwarts...

Snape's students had just exited the class. He had been manually erasing the blackboard when the door slammed shut getting his attention. He had been curious to why Hermione Granger had arrived, but she walked over to him taking slow steps. Snape arched an eyebrow still confused about what she had been up to. He knew that he had left her the other night in a less than savory state but he had no choice. He was drunk out of him mind, especially if he admitted wanting the witch out loud.

"Good afternoon, Severus." she said pleasantly briefly reminding Snape of Dumbledore whenever he was about to issue a nonnegotiable demand.

"Good afternoon, Miss Granger." he said still choosing to address her in his professor tone, they were after all, inside of his potions classroom.

Hermione stepped up toward him with a smile on her face. She was amazed how easy it had been to ease Snape into his chair. He continued to watch her curious as to where this was going. The Charms Professor straddled The Potions Professor's lap causing him to let out a sharp breath in response to the heat her body had been creating between them.

"Hermione." said Snape in a warning tone.

The bushy haired with ignored him pressing her soft pink lips into his pale ones. He groaned feeling the warmth of her slender frame pressing against his own lean build. He went to wrapped his arms around the witch that had gotten his attention and found that she had used a binding spell to restrain him.

"Very clever little Gryffindor." said Snape annoyed at being caught off guard so easily.

Hermione smirked triumphantly.

"It was wasn't it?" she said patting herself on the back. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a certain astute wizard accuse me of being in the wrong house before...I believe he said something about my being a Slytherin."

Snape rolled his eyes.

"You cheeky little..." he started.

Hermione put a finger to his lips.

"Shhh." she said softly in his ear as she crushed her soft pink lips into his pale ones once more. "Just accept the inevitable."

Snape glared at her when she pulled back.

He let out a groan when she gripped his erection through his black trousers.

"If only your students could see you now." said Hermione teasing. "You don't seem all that scary up close...you seem...dare I say...powerless..."

Snape opened his mouth to say something scathing but found he couldn't when he felt her squeeze him.

"What's that Severus?" asked Hermione. "I can't hear you speak up."

She gave him another squeeze.

"W-When I-I d-do g-get m-my hands o-on y-you, Granger..." started Snape struggling against his restraints.

"You'll do what exactly?" asked Hermione relishing the power she had over him.

Snape's obsidian eyes gleamed with an indescribable heat behind them as she squeezed him again.

"I-I'm g-going t-to m-make you scream." he said focusing just enough to get his words out right.

Hermione recognized the sudden shift in power as Snape's hands came free of his binds. Before he had a chance for them to clamp down on her, the bushy haired witch got off his lap and took off a trail of laughter in her wake.

Snape bolted out the door after her, the intense heat still blazing behind his dark eyes.


The Corridors, Hogwarts...

Remus Lupin had been making his way down the hall when Hermione came zipping passed him. Laughter trailing behind her as well as her notorious bushy hair. He briefly registered the "Hi Remus" and "Bye Remus" from her as she fled.

Seconds later Snape came charging after her like a bull after seeing red. His nostril flaring and his face twisted in rage.

The sound of The Potions Professor's husky baritone drawl as he passed came in the form of "Not a word." and "Bloody Gryffindors."

The Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor shook his head. He didn't need an indicator to tell him that Snape wasn't chasing Hermione over a prank or hex.

The Potions Master chased Hermione all the way back to her private quarters where he came to a screeching halt as Minerva McGonagall rounded a corner.

He darted back toward the grounds in a billow of black robes before the old witch saw him. Hermione watched the entire thing and burst out laughing from behind her door.

Serves him right.
